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"do you want something to drink?" conrad asked turning to look at his girlfriend

"sure" noa smiled at the boy, as he walked off to find them drinks noa began to look around taking in her surroundings, noticing steven off with a girl and jeremiah surrounded by a large group of people making her smile even more at how the boy just drew people in, it was the same when they were at school.

"here you go my love" conrad's voice interrupted the girl from her thoughts as he handed her a cup, which she drank from smiling when she had noticed he remembered she didn't like to drink in front of large groups.

"thanks con" she smiled again taking another sip from her drink

"here let's sit by the fire" conrad spoke taking her hand and leading her over to the fire sitting on the ground pulling the girl into his lap making her giggle.

"conrad stop there are people everywhere" noa blushed as conrad ran his hands up her thighs smirking at her.

"please they don't care, they're in their own little world, they wouldn't even notice this" he finished before leaning in to kiss the girl running one hand up her thigh still and the other settled on her cheekbone. as the couple continued making out enjoying the bliss of just being together completely unaware of the scene starting taking place just a short distance away.


belly began to make her way down to the beach searching for conrad having no luck so far, but as she looked around she noticed how over dressed she really was for the occasion.

"yo gas station girl!" she turned hearing a familiar voice yell

"hey" she awkwardly waved, looking at the guy she realised he really wasn't anything special, not like he is.

"where you coming from?" he asked confused looking at her outfit.

"uh, a-another party" she spat out an excuse for her attire

"sweet" he nodded, "hey, here have my beer"

belly pushed away the cup stepping back "no, no, no thanks, i'm really okay"

"so, uh you got a boyfriend back home?"

"um" belly began looking around seeing her brother her body immediately stopped tensing, "STEVEN!" she called out to him

"what are you doing here?" steven asked sternly, "and i'm sorru wh-what the hell are you wearing?" he continued as he grabbed her arm beginning to drag her away.

"i invited her" gas station guy piped up, "who the fuck are you?"

"i'm her brother" steven exclaimed getting closer to the guy's face, "she's 15, you pedo"

"i'm-i'm almost 16" belly interrupted the pair

"my bad" gas station guy put his hands up in surrender walking away from the pair of siblings.

𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 . . . 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now