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conrad had never run so fast as he did trying to catch poppy or get to noa before she could, he didn't want poppy telling her sister her version of the story, the version that made him look like the bad guy

  it was just a misunderstanding after all

by the time conrad had made it upstairs in the house he couldn't see poppy, so he went to his and noa's bedroom preparing himself to have to plead his case to the girl he claimed to love. 

unfortunately for the fisher boy, the bedroom was empty with most of noa's necessities missing as well.


knowing noa wouldn't go far, because she wouldn't want to leave poppy behind, he headed to the guest room where he assumed poppy was sleeping, hopefully with noa as well

conrad lifted his fist to knock on the door, but before he could the door opened with the youngest james sister looking right back at him, her usual glare staring back at him

"is she in there?" conrad asked out of breath 

"yeah but theres no way i'm letting you in there with her" poppy rolled her eyes at the boy

"please poppy i just want to talk to her" the fisher boy pleaded

"it's not gonna happen, i don't think she would want to see you anyway" the younger girl continued her glare

"what did you tell her?"

"nothing, she's asleep" poppy rolled her eyes once again

"what? you didn't tell her about what you just saw?" the boy was confused, he assumed poppy would tell noa about his moment with belly immediately

"no i was going to wake up, but i figured you should tell her" poppy said with a tight lipped smile, "and if you don't before i leave tomorrow, i will, and i'll make sure to cut your dick off after i do" the girl finished speaking before turning back into the guest room, slamming the door in conrad's face.


although she was still mad with the fisher boy, noa knew she couldn't attend mrs covington's dance lessons alone, she had to go with conrad, which meant she had to talk with conrad, much sooner than she anticipated.

𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 . . . 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now