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"so noa how's everything with you and conrad?" gigi asked the girl, interrupting her thoughts as she watched her boyfriend throw a football around with his brother,

"oh uh, yeah things are good i guess" she shrugged in response

"you guess? what happened?" 

"i just don't get him sometimes" she sighed, "one second he's all over me wanting to tell me everything, the next he's acting like we're not even together"

"yeah no, he's really hard to read sometimes" belly chimed in of course, "like all the time" she laughed trying to play off what she had said.

"how would you know belly?" poppy asked, sass filling her tone

"oh i- i um just guess i picked up on it over the years, you know?" the conklin girl said scratching her head awkwardly.

"i wouldn't worry noa, conrad is obsessed with you" nicole smiled

"yeah steven said he's always gushing about you" shayla joined in

belly rolled her eyes at all of the girls words before chugging the rest of her drink, unknowing to the fact of the youngest james sister staring her down with dagger filled eyes. but before the girl could say anything she was interrupted by a friendly voice.

"hi" cam smiled appearing at the dock, "you may want to hydrate" he said as he switched the glass in belly's hand out for a bottle of water.

"cam cameron, you are so sweet" belly smiled, grabbing his cheek, "isn't he sweet guys?" bellys question was met with several yes'.

"uh, do you want to go for a walk on the beach?" cam asked, trying to keep belly away from the girls conversation and the drama. unfortunately before belly could answer gigi has pulled her back into the conversation.

"belly, by the way, i love that dress" she complimented the conklin girl

"really?" belly's face lit up, "thanks uh taylor got it for me"

"taylor has great taste" shayla joined in

"yeah i know right, she totally does!" belly exclaimed, "oh my god, you know what?" belly yelled again, "you and taylor are like, like twins. becausr you're both like mega-fashiony"

"it's true"

"and... you're both like, um... baddies! wouldn't you say?" belly trailed off again

"baddies" shayla chuckled

"and you both like the same summer boys which is.."

"we do?" shayla interrupted causing the laughter to stop

"come on" cam mumbled trying to lead belly away, "let's go for that walk"

"no, no, no cam, wait"

"yeah come on belly" cam continued trying to pull belly away

"i'm talking. one sec." belly scoffed shurgging cam off, "look shayla, like don't even worry, because my brother is a total idiot. and it didn't mean anything. it didn't mean anything."

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