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"it's too bad you're not staying for the 4th, i think you'd get along with my younger sister" noa said to taylor as they walked down the stairs of nicole's house, conrad following shortly behind.

"yeah i wish i could, but i don't really think it would be a good idea even without the current circumstances" the younger girl shrugged

"why?" noa asked with confusion

"belly has her summer life and her normal life, she becomes a different person over summer and i don't think she likes when her friends from home come and interfere" taylor sighed as they reached the bottom of the stairs.


"well that's fine everyone has their moments" noa smiled, "you're still coming up for the volleyball game though aren't you?"

"if belly doesn't stop being friends with me before that" taylor said with a sad look

"i'm sure she won't, i'll give you some advice my older sister gave me, boys come and go, a best friend is with you for life" the older girl gave a comforting smile, "if you and belly are really best friends, which i can tell you are, she will forgive you"

"thanks noa, i'm sorry for hitting you with the volleyball" taylor apologised

"it's fine, it really didn't hurt" she chuckled before the three of them climbed into conrad's car and headed back to beach house.


it had been a few days since belly's birthday, noa had heard that belly had forgiven taylor as she hoped she would have and all was good in the world of their friendship. 

noa was now getting dressed for the fourth of july party while conrad was ruffling through his desk drawer trying to find something.

"you didn't take anything out of this drawer did you?" he asked with a huff

"no i haven't even looked in it, why, what are you missing?" she asked with confusion

"oh um, just a present, for uh- my mom, yeah a present for my mom" he stuttered trying to find a response

"oh okay, i'll let you know if i find it" she smiled

"oh wait here it is, that's weird i swear it was just on the top" he shook his head

𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 . . . 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now