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noa huffed as she walked down the stairs, still annoyed at conrad's sudden blow up at her for no reason. the girl had heard a commotion outside as she turned the corner into the living room, but before she could see what had happened her eldest siblings had rushed into the room.

"noa do not go out there" collins shook her head

"seriously that belly kid is messy" dean chuckled, "i feel bad for the girl she fully fell on to susannah, the cake was gone and the cake stand got completely smashed."

"yikes, maybe i should check if anyone needs help" noa spoke softly

"nah i think it's best you just leave it alone" dean tried to get his sister to drop it

"NOA! HERE YOU ARE!" poppy exclaimed entering the room as well

"poppy? whats wrong?" noa turned to her younger sister

"i um i overheard belly talking to conrad in the shower" noa's eyebrows furrowed at her words, "belly told him that you were the one to tell shayla about steven, omg and he bought her an infinity necklace and lied about it!" poppy finished speaking, trying to catch her breath.

"okay poppy calm down, i didn't know about the necklace, but i just got yelled at by conrad for telling shayla so believe me i've heard all about it" noa rolled her eyes


"wait that dickhead yelled at you?" dean chimed in

"dean just drop it" noa pleaded with her older brother

"no noa, he doesn't get to yell at you for something you didn't do, i'm gonna ream him out"

"i already dealt with him, just leave it alone" noa scoffed


"wait has anyone seen clay? i feel like he's been missing all day" collins asked 

but before anyone could answer the missing james sibling entered the room, lifting his sunglasses from his face, 

"oh hey guys, what's up?" he smiled waving at his siblings

"where have you been?"

"hanging with some chick, she was pretty cool" he chuckled


"i think her name was gigi or something" he shrugged

"gigi? she's like obsessed with jeremiah" noa laughed

"well she didn't seem too obsessed with him when we were done" clay smiled as he itched the back of his neck

"god you're such a fuckboy" poppy rolled her eyes, "i seriously cannot believe we shared a womb for nine months"

"hey! we didn't do anything, just talked, kissed a bit" he shrugged, "she even asked me to escort her for the deb ball, i think i just might"

"well good for you little brother" collins laughed, before the rest of them joined in on the laughter

𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 . . . 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now