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double update lovelies i felt like writing tonight 💚

also how are we enjoying the book so far??



noa felt her eyes starting to water as she looked out on the ocean, the sounds of the waves crashing calming her, letting her to forget about all of the events taking place, sure the girl knew conrad didn't hate her or think she was a bitch, but it still stung. it was obvious to the girl what was happening, belly was upset the her brother wouldn't let her stay at the party and noa was just a target of the anger, it wasn't belly's fault. 

"hey, are you okay" she heard conrad's voice, she quickly wiped away the tears not wanting him to think it was a big deal and be mad at belly, he was already mad enough at the world.

"oh yeah, i'm fine, i just needed a break you know" she smile at him, just from one look at her tear stained cheeks he could tell she was lying.

"no you're not, i'm sorry about belly, you know i would never say those things about you, it was years ago, like freshmen year, i promise you noa" he looked down at her eyes full of sorrow,

"con, i know you wouldn't say that about me, it just hurt you know" she turned away from him facing towards the waves again.

"i'm really so sorry noa, i love you so much, and it makes me so sad to see you crying, i hate it when you cry" he said also turning to face the waves.

"i love you too" the words made the boy smile, the girl took another sip of her sprite, "god i need a real drink" she chuckled

"i'll go get you one, it's the least i can do" he smiled standing up and running over to get her a drink from the keg on the beach.


a bit of time had passed when noa started to grow worried about the whereabouts of her boyfriend, she started looking around before she heard a commotion by the fire, there was a fight breaking out, and she could tell just by one of the voices exactly who it was, causing her to sprint over from her spot on the beach to the centre of the cause.

𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 . . . 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now