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"no mom, i'm fine, he's just acting... weird, i guess, just not himself" noa reassured her mother over the phone, "no like more not like himself than usual, i think he likes belly"

"eleanoa stop being silly, that boy loves you, anyone who looks at you could tell" 

"you're not getting it, they way he looks at her, i feel like a third wheel in my own relationship, it sucks" noa continues venting, "look mom, thank you for listening but i have to go, i love you, see you soon". the girl hangs up the phone annoyed at the whole conversation before turning back towards the house, beginning her walk back up the beach. unknown to noa she was about to run into the exact boy she had been avoiding, the one that was on his way to find her.

"oh my god noa finally, i've been looking for you everywhere." conrad smiled at the girl as he bumped into her

"oh uh yeah hey" noa itched her arm awkwardly, "i was just talking to my mom and sisters, girl talk ya know" 

"oh cool, how are they?" he asked

"yeah, um they're good"

"are you okay? you just seem off" conrad began to look concerned for his girlfriend

"yeah, the last couple of days have just been weird, i'm not sure what it is"

"that's exactly why i came to look for you, i wanted to say sorry" he brushed a stray hair from her face

"oh what do you need to apologise for?" noa's eyebrows furrowed

"i've been a dick the whole time we've been here, so yeah i'm really sorry, i know i should treat you better than that" he shook his head 

"con, it's fine, you have a lot going on right now" noa smiled reassuringly

"that's not an excuse, so to fully apologise we are going to go to my room and watch that 70s show because i know it's your favourite." he chuckled

"ok than i can't complain, let's go" noa laughed along as the fisher boy interlocked their hands and led her through the back gate.


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