Chapter 7 - Arrogance

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It was just the brink of night. Wei WuXian walked for a while, but he didn't meet many cultivators. Suddenly, cries for help came from in front of him. 

"Is anyone there?"

"Help us!" 

Both male and female voices could be heard, and all sounded panicked, probably not faked. 

"Faked? How could they be faked? Listen to how genuine those shouts are!", an obscure sect leader sniffed pompously. 

Wei Wuxian was strongly reminded of the time everyone believed straight away the accounts of Sisi and Bicao, just on account of how 'detailed' and 'realistic' their accounts were. No one seemed to want to think objectively or consider the possibilities - once they believed something or wanted to believe something, they would obstinately stick to it and nothing would change their mind. Lost in thought, he ignored the sect leader completely. Luckily though, the narration quickly answered him anyway.

Cries for help from desolate mountains were usually the works of evil creatures, to lure ignorant people into traps. 

The sect leader blinked. He hadn't considered that possibility, and with chagrin realised that if it was him in Wei Wuxian's place right then, he probably have rushed to be the hero without thinking, and possibly been trapped and eaten. 

Yet, Wei WuXian was extremely happy. The eviler the creature was, the better it was for him! 

Lan Qiren's eye twitched. He was trying to grow more tolerant of Wei Wuxian for Wangji's sake, and he had conceded that Wei Wuxian was not altogether an immoral and bad person, but when Wei Wuxian straight up said outrageous things like this... He took a deep breath in and held it for a few seconds before exhaling slowly. It wouldn't do good to qi deviate here in front of everyone. 

Others weren't so calm, outright booing Wei Wuxian and cursing his immorality. 

"Look at him grinning! He is so indecent."

Mothers whispered to their children, "Stay away from the Yiling Laozu, you see how evil he is? He will summon evil creatures to eat you!"

MianMian gave a dirty look to one mother. As a mother herself, she didn't condone spreading prejudice and exaggerated tales to the new generation. 

"Who said he was going to do anything bad with the creature? Wei Wuxian is a good person, you just watch and see!" she said in an impassioned outburst of anger.

He directed the donkey toward the direction of the voices, but couldn't find anything around him. As he looked upward, instead of spirits or monsters, it was the rural clan that he met by the field earlier on, hung on the trees by a huge, golden web. After seeing that someone approached, they immediately brightened up, but the hope faded as they saw that it was a lunatic who came. 

Jin Ling brightened as he realised he was about to make his first appearance, while Jiang Cheng soured as he remembered the humiliating situation with the deity-binding nets he'd strung up for Jin Ling. 

Wei Wuxian was sighing. "Really, why do people judge so much based on appearances? If you judged every person with crazy makeup as a lunatic, and then decided not to bother talking or getting to know them, you'd really be missing out."

The juniors were nodding solemnly, still taking notes, while Jin Ling was making a rude face. He didn't want to listen to lectures about morality. 

Although the threads of the deity-binding net were thin, the material was fine in quality, making them difficult to break. No matter human, god, demon, spirit, or monster, it would take a long while for the intruder to struggle out since it could only be broken by a superior magical tool. The lunatic probably didn't even know what it was, much less how to get them out of it.

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