Chapter 5 - Aggression

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The boys on the side were all young and inexperienced. However, although they all looked nervous, they strictly stuck to their positions and protected the Mo family's house, fixing talismans onto the walls. The servant named A-Tong was already carried into the hall. Lan SiZhui felt his pulse with his left hand and supported Madame Mo's back with his right. He couldn't save both of them at once, and was in a terrible fix when ATong crawled up from the ground.

"Pfft... why do you want to save them both so badly?? They're both pigs." Jin Ling said dismissively. He knew as it said the words though that Sizhui just had this sort of nice character - no matter what he thought about a person, he would always do everything to help them. It was so... insufferable!! Why did he have to be nice to people who don't deserve his attention?

A discordant thought struck him - what if that was the reason Sizhui still talked to him? He thought they were friends, but what did Sizhui actually think of him?

A-Ding exclaimed, "A-Tong, you're awake!" Before her face had the time to light up, A-Tong raised his left hand and clutched his own neck. Seeing this, Lan SiZhui tapped on a few of his acupoints three times. Wei WuXian knew that, although they looked gentle, the people from the Lan clan had arm strength that were the opposite of gentle. With a force like this, it would be hard for anyone to move.

"...really??" Quite a few people shifted around to stare thoughtfully at the Lan sect's people. Their arms were hidden with their layers of long, flowing white sleeves. It was hard to actually see if Wei Wuxian's casual remarks were true or not.

Jingyi resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at the furtive glances sent his way. There was a reason most people didn't know about Lan sect's great arm strength, and that was because there were a lot of rules on the wall about not hitting people out of anger, not provoking violence, no slapping people, etc. If these rules didn't exist, Jingyi was sure half the cultivation world would feel for themselves the Lan sect's arm strength with a punch to the face. Why he had to put up with brainless, sheep-like cultivators all the time, he didn't know...

However, A-Tong seemed like he didn't feel anything, and his left hand's grip tightened, his expressions looking more painful and twisted. Lan JingYi proceeded to grab his left hand, but it was like breaking off a chunk of iron, having no effect at all.

There was a small frown on Lan Qiren's face. He had refrained from appearing too invested in the story starring his most shameless and ridiculous ex-student, but things were getting really bizarre. This being was clearly a lot more dangerous than it seemed... despite him being wary, he still jumped at the nauseating crunching noise-

After a moment, a crack came from his neck, and A-Tong's head drooped down. His neck was already broken. He actually strangled himself in front everyone's eyes!

Multiple parents covered their children's eyes from the gruesome sight of the boy's head hanging at such a sickening angle. Meanwhile, the juniors felt like seasoned veterans, having already seen much more gruesome sights with their own eyes (the fierce corpses in Yi city were in many different states of decay, and their heads had the unfortunate ability to rotate 360° on their necks.

Seeing the situation, A-Ding's voice wavered, "... A ghost! There's an invisible ghost here. It made A-Tong strangle himself!" Her tone was sharp and her voice was shrill, making everyone's blood run cold, and so they believed it effortlessly.

Most of the cultivators present believed it too without a second thought. They were too busy eagerly waiting for the sure-to-come violent battle between the disciples and the evil things (and probably the Yiling Laozu too!). Guo Wanxin however snorted out loud. "As if a ghost could do such a high level of damage on so many people."

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