Chapter 30 - Dew

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A/N: Sorry about the delay for this chapter!! it's just sooo long, nearly 15k words... 😅 Hope you enjoy!

One day, the Yueyang Clan's leader went out night-hunting with a few family members for about half a month. In the middle of the night, without any warning, they received the bad news and immediately hurried back. 

The audience quieted immediately as the scene changed from Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian walking together suddenly to  a man they assumed to be  Chang Ping leading a small band of cultivators hurriedly through a dark forest back to their home. Chang Ping's devastated face when he saw the gruesome remains of his clan aroused many regretful and sympathetic noises from the audience. 

Jingyi's mouth hung open in horror - he quickly shut his eyes but it was too late. The image of mounds of bloody pieces of limbs and flesh was imprinted in his brain. What had Chang Ping or his clan done to merit such a terrible fate?? 

In most cases, only few people knew about the tragedies that happened in smaller clans, but the circumstances back then were different. The Sunshot Campaign finished long ago, while the siege at Luanzang Hill only just ended. On the surface, the situation seemed rather stable. With the sudden disclosure of this event, the entire cultivation world was bubbling with discussion, some even exaggerating that it was the revenge of the revived YiLing Patriarch, Wei WuXian.

Wei Wuxian sighed dramatically. Honestly, the only thing the cultivation world did was gossip and exaggerate. He could imagine all too well them twisting the stories of the event in their little rumour-spreading huddles, making up worse and worse stories about him. Seriously, if he'd just revived, why would the first thing he did be lingchi all the members of a random clan?  

The cultivators who remembered hearing and spreading those rumours averted their eyes, embarrassed. They had been so sure that when the 'terrifying Yiling Patriarch' returned to the world, he'd go on a vengeful killing spree. But from what they'd seen in these magic pictures, the only things Wei Wuxian actually seemed to be doing included flirting with his future husband, talking to donkeys and solving mysteries. 

However, there wasn't any evidence, so it had been impossible to find the killer. Of course, Xiao XingChen didn't sit back and do nothing. He volunteered to be responsible for the matter and find out the truth for Chang Ping.

"Wow... what a decent person!" 

"Fighting for justice, even if he's not directly related to the incident!"

The audience showered Xiao Xingchen with admiration. 

"Where do you think he is now?" wondered another cutlivator. 

The juniors who knew the story of Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen, A-Qing and Xue Yang looked gloomily at each other. 

After a month, the murderer was finally discovered. The murderer's name was Xue Yang.

"Hah! I knew it was that rascal!" a cultivator said triumphantly.

"Everyone knew that, shut up!" his wife scolded him. Still, it was satisfying for most cultivators to have this confirmed. 

Xue Yang was even younger than Xiao XingChen, nothing more than just a boy. Despite this, he definitely didn't tone down on his cruelty just because he was young. Ever since the age of fifteen, he had been a delinquent in the area of Kuizhou, known far and wide for his radiant smile, inhumane means, and merciless personality.

Everyone shivered. On the board, there was a picture of a sweet-looking young man. He looked completely innocent - except for the cruel expression he wore, the glint of insanity in his eyes, which were a little too wide open. 

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