Chapter 10 - Arrogance

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Wen Ning's head was slightly lowered and his arms hung down, as if he was a marionette waiting for the orders of his master. His face was pale and delicate, and could be considered handsome in a melancholy sort of way. 

Wei Wuxian didn't miss the way Lan Zhan's eye narrowed infinitesimally and silently laughed to himself (laughing out loud at such a tense moment would only make him look even more out of his mind) - but it was funny that Lan Zhan could still drink vinegar about him, it made him want to tackle him in a big hug and- Wei Wuxian mentally shook himself. He couldn't move from his seat, so it was useless thinking about such things. 

There were no pupils in his eyes, but only a flat cloud of white, along with a number of black, cracking lines which climbed up his face from his neck, so the melancholy turned into a frightening gloom. The lower hem and sleeves of his robe were ragged and torn, showing a pair of wrists that were the same ashen shade as his face, with black cuffs and chains on both his wrists and ankles. The tinkling sound was produced when he dragged the iron chains on the ground. If he stopped moving, everything would be silent again.It wasn't hard to guess why all of the cultivators were scared out of their wits.

If the cultivators at present in the room were terrified of the picture version of the Ghost General, it was nothing compared to the ghastly expressions on the faces of the cultivators in the past, who'd believed that the Ghost General had long since been turned to ash. 

Past Wei Wuxian didn't look any calmer, either. In fact, he looked like he'd been bashed on the head with a heavy pan judging by the way he looked confused and dizzy. The return of Wen Ning, his closest accomplice, was undoubtedly a big shock for him too.

Hearing the others call Wen Ning's name, Jin Ling's blade, which originally pointed at the direction of the soul-consuming goddess, couldn't help but to turn toward another direction. Seeing that he was distracted, the soul-consuming goddess gladly extended her arm and picked him up. 

As mostly everyone had forgotten the existence of the soul-consuming goddess in their obsession with Wen Ning, the sudden development caused many of their hearts to skip a beat.  

As Wei WuXian saw her opened mouth approaching Jin Ling, he didn't have time to be surprised. He raised the wooden flute again, hands slightly shaking, and therefore, the notes that he played also trembled. With two notes, Wen Ning started to move. Within the blink of an eye, he had already shifted in front of the soul-consuming goddess. Wen Ning gave another blow with his hand, and the soul-consuming goddess's right hand, which was holding Jin Ling, was cleanly cut off.

The cultivators watched with wide eyes. They had heard the legends of course, and some had seen the Ghost General in action, but now up close, (they were even able to see the blank white eyes) it was different. The speed, untraceable by the eye, was thrilling in a horrifying sort of way.

Luckily, Wei Wuxian wasn't commanding the Ghost General to fight the cultivators, just the soul-consuming goddess (presumably only for the sake of his nephew). 

Wei WuXian didn't dare to relax. He took a deep breath and commanded Wen Ning to fight. However, not long had passed, and he became even more shocked. Wen Ning was created by Wei WuXian, which meant that he could easily be called the strongest fierce corpse in the current world, the only one who was capable of thought. Aside from not fearing injuries, fire, the cold, poison, and whatever living humans feared, he was the same as a one. However, at that moment, Wen Ning clearly wasn't conscious!

"Really? How can he tell?"

"He's his slave, of course the master can tell!"

"He isn't a slave. " snapped Wei Wuxian, forgetting his mental decision to ignore everything the other cultivators said. Since he had already broken his decision, he decided to keep talking.  "And if he was conscious, he would be talking to me, obviously! Otherwise I wouldn't be having to use my flute to get him to fight."

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