Chapter 12 - Refinement

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The sear took away all of Wei WuXian's attention, making him believe that he had mislooked. He couldn't even pay attention to the person's face, and his breaths also stuttered for a few times.

Everyone looked at the sear some more and many suddenly recognised the swirling pattern - it was a sun! It was the sear of the long-gone, but still widely reviled Qishan Wen sect! A shudder of disgust rippled through the audience. Lan Sizhui had frozen in his seat. He hadn't actually told anyone about his real heritage, not even his best friends Jingyi, Zizhen and Jin Ling - he trusted that they wouldn't hate him for it, but it was still a big thing to admit. It would definitely be in his best interest to lie low taking into consideration the murderous looks on many people's faces at the mere symbol of the Qishan Wen sect.

Suddenly, a flash of white appeared before his eyes, as if snow had fallen before him. Quickly afterward, the blue glare of a sword penetrated through the snow, slashing toward him with an arctic blast of wind. Who didn't know that it was HanGuang-Jun's famous sword— "Bichen"? Crap, it's Lan WangJi!

"And now he realises how screwed he is." snorted Jin Ling.

"You don't hear that phrase often." Jingyi remarked.

"Which phrase?" asked Wei Wuxian.

" 'Crap it's Lan Wangji' " Jingyi replied. "Usually it's along the lines of 'Thank the heavens! It's Lan Wangji!' or 'Hooray! Lan Wangji is here to save us!' "

"Well, when you've known Lan Zhan for as long as I have, you'd know that he can be very scary-" Wei Wuxian cut off with an innocent giggle when he saw Lan Zhan narrowing his eyes at him.

Wei WuXian was quite adept at running away and dodging swords. With a roll on the ground, he closely avoided the sword. He even had the time to pull off a leaf that stuck to his hair when he rushed out of the cold spring.

"I wonder why you're so good at running away and dodging swords?" Jiang Cheng wondered sarcastically. "Perhaps you have a lot of people wanting to stab you?"

"Ah, you know. Comes with being the fearsome 'Yiling Laozu'. Never a shortage of people wanting to slice me to bits." Wei Wuxian said cheerfully.

The unfortunately very literal truth shut Jiang Cheng up. Jin Ling felt a wave of guilt swoop through his gut as he remembered the feeling of plunging his sword into Wei Wuxian's abdomen. Luckily he was soon distracted by the always entertaining Wei Wuxian in the pictures being the drama queen he was.

He ran like a headless fly, right into a few people who were passing by from nightwatching. They grabbed him and scolded, "What are you running around for? Running is prohibited in the Cloud Recesses!"

Jingyi covered his face. "Oh no, it's me. And this would be the part where..."

Wei Wuxian cackled with glee. "Yes! Where you witness my amazing skills at being shameless!"

Lan Wangji felt a feeling of foreboding at Wei Wuxian's gleeful tone. Knowing his husband, he was probably about to do something unideal.

Wei WuXian, seeing that it was Lan JingYi and the others, was ecstatic, thinking that he could finally be chased down the mountain. He presented himself at once, "I didn't see! I didn't see anything! I'm definitely not here to peep at HanGuang-Jun bathing!"

There were outraged gasps throughout the rooms.

"Wei Wuxian-"

"That's just disgusting- how could you say such a thing-"

Wei Wuxian absorbed the insults easily, seemingly taking them as compliments towards his skill for making people disgusted. He scrutinised Lan Zhan's face to see his reaction but could only detect faint amusement.

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