Chapter 32 - Dew

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A/N: So so so sorry guys about the huge delay for this chapter 😭 My holidays were a bit of an adventure, but the point is, I'm back now to writing some fun mdzs reactions ;) Hope you all enjoy!

This time, throughout the night, Wei WuXian didn't shut his eyelids even once. With opened eyes, he managed to hold out until the second morning. After feeling the numbness pass and that his limbs were able to move again, he calmly took off his shirt inside the blanket and threw it under the bed. 

There were muffled sounds of alarm. "...Woah, wait, what is he doing??"

"The new part's just started, and Wei Wuxian's already up to something..."

The fact Wei Wuxian was up to no good already didn't suprise the juniors, who were more impressed that Wei Wuxian was able to keep his eyes open for the whole night, just lying there and staring at nothing. Wouldn't he be dead with exhaustion the next day? Then again, Senior Wei did seem to have a limitless supply of energy, they couldn't imagine him being tired. 

Then, he pulled off Lan WangJi's sash belt and succeeded in yanking his shirt half-off. He originally wanted to completely take off his shirt, but after seeing the sear under Lan WangJi's collarbone, Wei WuXian paused for a moment and stopped. Also remembering the Discipline Whip's scars on his back, he knew that he shouldn't go further and wanted to pull Lan WangJi's clothes back again. 

Sizhui, who had immediately turned his head away and looked at the ceiling to avoid looking at his dad shirtless (that was just weird!) prayed in his head that Senior Wei would listen to his conscience and take a step back from whatever he was planning to do. It wasn't that he didn't like Senior Wei's pranks, but  any prank that involves taking Hanguang Jun's shirt off probably wasn't going to be an innocent one...

"Wow, Wei Wuxian having cold feet? That's not like him..." murmured the cultivators, clearly on the edge of their seats to see whether Wei Wuxian would go ahead with whatever he was planning.

Due to the delay, Lan WangJi seemed as if he felt cold. Shifting slightly, he opened his eyes with a frown on his face. As soon as his eyes were opened, he tumbled off the bed. 

The room erupted with stifled laughter and gasps of horror. This story-showing was really revealing to the audience that Lan Wangji wasn't always a stiff, emotionless piece of jade. First with his behaviour while drunk, and now with him literally falling out of his bed after finding himself in a bed with a shirtless Wei Wuxian.

It really wasn't the elegant HanGuang-Jun's fault that he was not elegant at all after the shock. Any man who woke up with a hangover the morning after, saw another man lying beside him wearing nothing and that his own shirt was only half-on, and found that both of them were skin-to-skin snuggling in the same bedsheets, wouldn't have paid attention to be elegant. 

Most of the room was just laughing now. Lan Wangji maintained his neutral expression, not seeming to feel embarrassed in any way. 

Wei Wuxian nudged his husband playfully. "How scared were you? Be honest!"

Lan Wangji pursed his lips and didn't answer, just continued his dignified stare into the distance, which to Wei Wuxian was enough of an answer. 

Wei WuXian partially covered his chest with the blanket, leaving only his smooth shoulders out. 

Lan WangJi, "You..." 

Wei WuXian purred, "Hmm?" 

Lan WangJi, "Last night, I..." Wei WuXian winked his left eye at Lan WangJi and smiled mysteriously, resting his chin on one hand, "You were so bold last night, Han GuangJun." 

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