Chapter Two: The Arrival

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(Brooklyn Barbie's POV)

"Ya know, no matter how many times I fly, I can never get used to the amazing view!"

Malibu laughed at me from her middle seat.

"Tell me about it! We flew all the time for dad's documentary jobs. The clouds are always incredible!"

I chuckled and nodded my head. But, then I saw the guy next to Malibu... he didn't look so good. I smirked at him and nudged Malibu next to me.

"Yo, Ken... You doin' alright bud?"

Malibu turned to him and smiled sympathetically. She put a hand on his wrist. "Ken?". Her voice was so soft, "You OK?"

Ken's eyes were still closed, but I saw him nod.

"Yup... I'm all good... just tell me when we land, OK?"

I couldn't help but cackle at him. Malibu just grinned shyly and winced, "Um... you know we haven't even taken off yet, right?"

Ken opened his eyes and looked around. He looked at Malibu, then me... he grinned sheepishly and nervously.

"Heh... right..."

I sighed and put my head back, "Just think... in a few hours, we'll all be greeting the warm sunny beaches of Australia!"

Malibu then laughed and cocked her eye at me, "Few hours? More like 15... Plus, it's Fall in Australia in April, you know that, right?"

I blinked at her, "What?!"

Ken laughed, "But it is still very warm. There are definitely some awesome beaches down there... plenty for surfing and snorkeling and scuba diving! I can't wait!"

Malibu sighed, "I hope I get to do some of that... the last vacation we took wasn't exactly relaxing. I'm really hoping this one works out for the best"

I smirked at her, "It better! Besides, flying from New York to LA and now to Australia... I'm going to need all the relaxation I can get!"

Rafa poked his head up from behind me and tsked at me, "But, you ladies remember we're going down for the Reef Festival auditions, right?"

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, "Oh yes, I did NOT forget oh Guru of the... of the... dang, I can't think of anything money-related that starts with 'G'..."

Malibu chuckled, "I guess we really do need this vacation"

Ken winked at her and nudged her shoulder, "You know it! Besides, I know you'll blow that competition out of the water. You two are amazing!"

I noticed the wink... I saw the smile... and I saw the blush!

(Malibu Barbie's POV)

A while after take off we were soaring through the air. It was a 15 hour flight, so I decided to check some of the magazines in the back of the seat ahead of me as a timepass sometime later. But as soon as I moved I heard a sound of snoring and heavy weight fall on my head

I side-eyed my glance because I couldn't move... Ken was fast asleep against the top of my head. I chuckled as I blushed.

He's so cute!

Since I couldn't move...because I didn't want to wake him up, I picked up my phone and put on my headphones and listened to some music.

Soon I yawned...feeling sleepy. After a few short minutes I drifted off to sleep.


(Ken's POV)

When I woke up, I realized that something heavy was holding my shoulder down.

It was Barbie's head.

I looked down and felt my cheeks warm. My heart started to beat fast.

Maybe things can happen on this trip? Hopefully...

Something else caught my eye to make me look up... a bunch of other things... more like a bunch of other someONEs.

Brooklyn was staring at me... so was Rafa, Renee, and Teresa.

I smiled and gulped, then cleared my throat.

Apparently, I accidentally woke up Barbie who sat up, scrunched her cute face, and then stretched loudly.

"Did we land?"

I chuckled at her, "Yeah... and you were supposed to be the one to wake me up, remember? Not the other way around", I twirled my finger in a little dance to enunciate my point.

She laughed at me the best way she could ever laugh.

"Oops... sorry."

"Time to get a move on!" Renee shouted excitedly from the seat behind us. Her, Teresa, and Rafa were all together in the three seats behind me, Barbie, and Brooklyn.

Teresa bounded up, "I can't wait to see this Sydney Opera House. The history! The glamor!"

"THE PIZZA!", shouted Renee.

Rafa blinked at her, "Chica, I'm from New York, and I have never seen anyone who loves pizza as much as you"

We all laughed at the comedic show behind us as we stood up. I reached up to grab the girls' bags. Barbie took hers from me and thanked me.

"Thanks Ken"

I winked at her, "No Problem"

I saw Brooklyn smirk again, making me duck my head to hide the blush.


(Malibu Barbi's POV)

We exited the plane and made our way through the luggage pick up and out the door to our rental car waiting.

"So where are we staying?" Ken asked.

"We booked a hotel downtown. One of the best actually!," Brooklyn replied.

Ken leaned closer to me, "Barbie? I was thinking...could we maybe spend some time going to the beach together?" he whispered to me.

"Absolutely! Hey....maybe I can record a vlog for my channel! Maybe we can do one of those awesome challenges together! Gosh! It's been so long since we've last done that!" I said excitedly.


Ken beamed down at her and felt warm all over.

"Yes! That'd be awesome! I'd love to do a vlog with you. We could head out early, do the vlog, spend some time at the beach... then maybe we can get some lunch and do whatever!"

Barbie smiled back at him, but before she could continue, she was interrupted by Rafa.

"Remember: practice makes perfect!"

Brooklyn rolled her eyes as she came up near the two blondes and Rafa, "Practice, practice, practice..."

Rafa blinked, "Why yes... that's literally what I'm saying"

Barbie sighed, "Well, I'm sure we have enough time to fit in for other things, you know like hanging out and whatnot"

Ken placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah! I mean.... It's been so long since we last spent time...but the audition is important. It is why you're here, after all... I'm sure we can make time for us to hang out, though!"

The blonde girl nodded. "Alright. Let's go to our hotel, check-in and get down on practicing!"


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