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"Say" Yibo faked a stern voice.

"Yibo, I am here to apologize for my rude behavior the other day. I-I don't know what came into me when Mr. Wang told me that you went missing. I was really anxious to find you. I.. I mean we were really scared that something might have happened to you. So when I saw you in Xuan's office, I lost my control. I-I really didn't knew that Xuan was your cousin." Zhan said with pleading eyes.

 It is the first time he is apologizing to someone. He never did that even after knowing that he was at fault. He never felt the need of apologizing to someone, because nobody ever dared to point out his mistake. People were either scared of his power, or greedy to get favors from him. But this time, he felt the need to apologize. He didn't know why, but he wanted to clear all the misunderstandings between him and his brat.

Yibo pondered on Zhan's word for a while. 'This evil gege got a point. But that doesn't mean that he'll hurt Bobo.'  Yibo thought.

"Okay, I get that you were worried... But you know, you held me so tightly that my shoulders got bruised. And what about the Annual fest day.... You called Bobo 'Insolent Brat'... What about that Hahh... Do I look like a Bad boy to you? You know that day I was so sad that there was no one from my family  to cheer me for my performance... and that was too because of you.. You Meanie Gege!!... You sent my Kuan ge on an emergency meeting... And then you scolded me for nothing.." Yibo kept ranting. His voice started to crack as he was feeling so wronged. But he managed not to cry. He had to stay strong to prove his point.

Zhan silently heard all his rants. He knew he was wrong and he was ready to admit his mistakes. But he didn't regret going to the annual fest even a bit. He was thinking about all this when he felt someone shaking him by his shoulders.

He looked up to see Yibo frowning at him.

"Ahh.. Yes Yibo?" Zhan smiled sheepishly while kicking his brain for zoning out.

"Should I start calling you deaf Gege now?!? I have said so much but why are you not replying?? Are you even interested in apologizing?" Yibo scowled.

"Ah.. Yes yes Yibo...I-I am very much interested in apologizing to you." Zhan said with a bunny smile.

"Then why aren't you doing so?" Yibo spat impatiently.

"Because I was listening to all your complains Yibo. I am sorry that I hurt you. I really didn't know that Mr. Wang is your Brother, or I would have never sent him to the emergency meeting like this. And trust me Yibo, when I scolded you in the washroom, I didn't mean it. I-I was not in a good mood and I lashed out on you... I am really sorry Yibo." Zhan said with with puppy eyes.

Yibo was staring at Zhan the whole time. Just What happened that this evil Gege changed this much? Yibo is really innocent and naïve but not stupid. 

"And what made your heart to change this much in just 24 hours?" Yibo asked with raised eyebrows.

Zhan was speechless. Because even he doesn't know why he wants to be in good terms with this brat. He wants this brat to stay close to him without being forced. But how can he explain this to this boy. Won't it sound a little absurd.

"Uhh.. because I-I really accept my mistake a-and I-I always make up f-for my mistakes. hehe" Zhan said a white lie.. again.

Yibo made an O shaped mouth while nodding. But he felt uneasy in his chest. He doesn't know why, but when Zhan said he always makes up for his mistakes, he felt a pang in his heart. Unknowingly, he was wishing that it was only him to whom Zhan apologizes for his mistakes. But after knowing that it is the same for everyone, he sulked without any reason.

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