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WARNING: Sexual Content (NSFW warning will be labeled before it starts. If you wish to not read it, skip to the time skip.)

[ O i k a w a ]

I was discharged from the hospital, they kept me for an additional 2 weeks to monitor me and my head injury. Doctors are worried I'll develop epilepsy because of how severe the injury was. I'm not too worried about it though, even though I should be. Currently, Iwa is driving me everywhere so I don't drive. My car was totaled anyway, so I couldn't drive it even if I wanted to. $78k down the drain. But my parents could care less. (ANGST IS OVER WOOHOO)

Pulling into the parking lot of the mental hospital where Atsumu is staying. Iwa slides out of the car first and runs over to my side just as I open the door. I squeak when he slams the door shut, what the-

Opening it for me again, he scowls. "Never, EVER open the door yourself when you're with me, alright?" At this, I can't help but laugh and step out, grabbing his face and pressing our lips together.

"You're so cute," I mumble, pulling away. "Let's go inside, I'm eager to see 'Tsumu!" I say happily, grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers before dragging him inside. After checking in, we head up to the 5th floor where Atsumu is located.

Once we check in again, asking to see Atsumu, they happily guide us to his room. "Atsumu, you got some visitors..." The woman says softly, peeking into the room. She steps out of the way to reveal us.

The faux blonde cries tears of joy before running over and flying into my arms.

"You guys can be here for 2 hours then you need to leave." She says before walking away. Walking inside Atsumu's room, I close the door and hug him again.

"You have no fucking clue what I went through..." I mumble, the both of us swaying side to side. Pulling away, he smiles brightly but then frowns.

"Something seems off with you." He mumbles, sitting down and looking up at me. Glancing over at Iwa, he nods, crossing his arms. "And why is Iwaizumi staring at you like he's waiting for you to collapse or something?"

"I uh... When we got news about you... I kinda stormed off and went to my car. I got t-boned by a semi-truck and fell into a coma due to a traumatic brain injury. My car was totaled, it took multiple strangers to try to open the door but it was opening. The other side was a lost cause because it was also destroyed by getting thrown into another car. I passed out before the firefighters got there to rip the door off its hinges. Just as I was pulled away, my car exploded a second time." I say quietly, looking around nervously. "I was on death's door... They couldn't guarantee my survival because I was also suffering from internal bleeding. I vividly remember coughing up blood before I passed out."

"I'm sorry- did you just say you almost fucking DIED?!" He asks in disbelief as I nod. "Because of me, you almost died. I shouldn't have been so stupid..."

"Yeah, Sakusa called you stupid and that he's disappointed in you for trying to kill yourself and believing he was dead. You were literally on death's door due to how much blood you lost." At this, he snaps his attention up at me. "Yes, he woke up before I did. About a week I think, but I can't remember. He's currently fighting with his parents because they won't let him leave to visit you. He's stressed and that's a bad thing. We're both at risk for epilepsy." I add.

"I... Fuck..." He mutters, wiping away the tears that stream down his face. "E-Epilepsy can't kill you... can it?" He asks.

"It can but it's very rare, so we're not too worried about it," Iwa says.

"I heard him, it was so adorable. He's a different person around me, it's so cute. But he suffered so much... He had a horrid dream that I was on life support and my family pulled the plug. He went into detail about what happened in the dream and I swear I felt my heart shatter." I say, looking over at the man who frowns. "He doesn't want to relive that dream, that's for damn sure," I add, looking out the wall window.

𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 & 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 [𝐈𝐰𝐚𝐎𝐢; 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now