Haruhiko what the fuck!?

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Tsurugi: Is something wrong, Haruhiko?
Haruhiko: Tsurugi, do you ever do something bad but you didn't mean to and it just kinda happened and you thought maybe it'd be alright to not tell anyone but the guilt started eating you  alive and you couldn't sleep but then the police come to your house and tell you that they found a body with your fingerprints on it and you think 'That's not possible, I was so careful' and so you blame your mom and say that's it's her fault and that she forced you to help her but then your mom goes to jail and you no longer have someone to make you poptarts in the morning and now you have to make your own poptarts and then you accidentally burn down your house cause you don't know what you're doing but then you realize that's okay because now the police won't find the evidence of the other bodies? Tsurugi, have you ever done something like that?
Tsurugi: .
Fuck this shit I'm out
Mm-mm *moves Akane out of the way*
Fuck this shit I'm out *starts packing his bags*
No thanks *opens the window*
Don't mind me
I'm just gonna grab my stuff and leave *gets his bags*
Excuse me please *kicks Rei out of the way*
Fuck this shit I'm out *starts walking towards the window*
Fuck this shit I'm out
Alright then
I don't know what the fuck just happened
But I don't really care
I'm gonna get the fuck off out of here
Fuck this shit I'm out *jumps out of window*
Haruhiko: Was it something I said!?
All I did was telling him how I murdered a bunch of people, blamed it on my mother, and burned down my house
Teruya: Y'know what I'm going to jump out of the window too *jumps out window*
Satsuki: That's amazing, Kobazing....*jumps out of window*
Kakeru: Is he gonna murder us in our sleep?
Rei: Of course not he's incompetent
Haruhiko: Anyways, do yall want to play Catch the Knife 🔪?
Everyone: No
Haruhiko: *shoots Rei in the chest* Man I suck at this game...

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