Fuck titles

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(Note: Everyone is over 18, and this is an au)
(Also warning: dirty talk. Lots and lots of dirty talk.)
Everyone: *chilling*
Yul: Dirty talk but you both use your customer service voice
Aiden: Thanks I hate it
Kai: *clearing his voice but moans in the process* Great! Will you be needing anything else today?
James: Customer service but you use your dirty talk voice
Hunter: You're a nasty little bitch aren't you? *grabs Aiden's shirt and pulls them close* Trying to return these shoes after 30 days

)Everyone: *chilling*Yul: Dirty talk but you both use your customer service voiceAiden: Thanks I hate itKai: *clearing his voice but moans in the process* Great! Will you be needing anything else today?James: Customer service but you use your dirt...

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Yul and Aiden: Is having a penis fun?
Oliver: It has its ups and downs
Kai: Sometimes it's a little hard
James: It's a pain in the ass
Hunter: Oh Jesus fuck guys come on

Oliver: I prefer hanging out with guys who make small dick jokes about themselves over guys who make big dick jokes about themselvesHunter: I got a medium dickEveryone except Hunter: 😳Hunter: It can talk to ghostsYul: I NEARLY SPAT OUT MY TEA-

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Oliver: I prefer hanging out with guys who make small dick jokes about themselves over guys who make big dick jokes about themselves
Hunter: I got a medium dick
Everyone except Hunter: 😳
Hunter: It can talk to ghosts

Oliver: My dick has a lot in common with the sunKai: Nobody likes looking directly at it?Yul: It gives people cancer?Oliver: WOAH WOAH WOAHJames: It rises at the crack of dawn? It disappears at night?Aiden: Direct exposure often leads to a nasty c...

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Oliver: My dick has a lot in common with the sun
Kai: Nobody likes looking directly at it?
Yul: It gives people cancer?
James: It rises at the crack of dawn? It disappears at night?
Aiden: Direct exposure often leads to a nasty case of sunburn?
Yul: It needs to stay approximately 92,960,000 miles away from me?
Hunter: 😏
Oliver: Hunter no-
Hunter: Nobody will ever touch it?

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