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Yuki: Good morning-
Kanade: Shut the fuck up, Maeda
Yuki: All I said was good morning-
What the-
Hibiki: So as I was saying Suka is very much underrated
Yuki: *sneezes*
Hibiki: Shut the fuck up, Maeda
Yuki: I sneezed!
Nikei: I need you guys to trust me on thi-
Yuki: *sniffles*
Nikei: Shut the fuck up, Maeda
Yuki: Ok, this is getting out of hand!
I sniffled!
Teruya: Shut the fuck up, Maeda
Yuki: The door wasn't even opened yet!
Yoruko: Shut the fuck up, Maeda
Yuki: Ok! That is it! I'm done!
I breathed!
And you tell me to shut the fuck up?
Nikei: Shut the fuck up Maeda
No one gives a shit about your fucking emo problems
Adri: Damn

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