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Mila groaned as she woke up. Wow! It's 11:00am already. She can't believe she slept that much. Thank God for Jawad who woke her up for more than 20 times to perform her subh prayer.
After that, she fell back asleep and only woke up now.

She did her morning routine as quickly as possible before she made her way down stairs.

"Hey" she said with a smile. "Good morning" he replied with a smile on his face.
He's looking so handsome....ya Allah! "I missed breakfast right?" she asked with a raised brow. "Brunch will just be alright" he said. "Yeah, cereals will do" she said and made her way to the kitchen.

"Good morning ma'am" the chief maid greeted. It's time to know their names.
"Morning" she replied with a smile.
"What would you like to have for breakfast?" she asked again. "I'll go with some cereals" she replied.

"Uhmm....mind if you guys tell me your names?" She asked looking at the three.
"Oh sorry we couldn't introduce earlier, I'm Sarah the chief Maid and these are Matilda and Hillary" she said gesturing at the two younger maids.
"Nice meeting y'all" she said with a smile. "I'll wait for the cereal Sarah" she added and left.

"How are you feeling huh?" Jawad asked as Mila sat beside him.
She knew he was talking about the nightmare. "I guess I'm pretty good" she replied with a sigh massaging her temples. She's so tired with all that's going on in her life.

Soon, Hillary brought her cereal and she took it in silence.

"Uhm.... Jawad?" She called. "Yes" he replied. "I'm ready, I want to sort this out" she said and he turned to give her his full attention. "What's about this whole marriage stuff" she raised a brow. "What do you want to know?" He asked. "Everything" she whispered as she leaned her head on his shoulders, his arms around her.

"Why didn't you marry Layla?" She asked. "I wasn't supposed to marry her"
"Daada made me promise to marry you before she died"
"She did?" Mila asked confused. "Yes" he replied.


"Boddo am" Daada whispered as Jawad held her hands. "Daada" he called. "I'm going" she Said with a sad smile. "No, you're not, you'll be fine inshaAllah" he assured. She chuckled sadly but didn't reply to that.

"Don't marry anyone from the maigoro, they are dangerous" she said and he looked up at her, confused. "Waleed shot me, he wanted me dead, because I didn't fix his alliance with Kamila but his brother. Layla isn't good either, you don't deserve her don't marry her"

"Daada how did you know all this?" he managed to ask. "You can call your grandmother a good police agent, I'm very observant" she joked. "I have a request" she adds. "Name it" he replied taking an oath to fulfill whatever it is.

"Marry kamila, she's the best for you.
She severed her old relationship for you. I am ashamed of what I did in the past, I somehow separated you because I want things to go my way. She'll take care of you and I'll assume that you'll love and cherish her as well. I'm entrusting you with my granddaughter" she said. "Will you marry her?" She asked. "I will" he replied.

"One thing though" she started. "Don't let Layla and Walid know that the alliance is going to be broken....keep on with the flow...till the wedding day.

I'm sure Zubair will understand when you explain to him. I thought the kids are like him...but turned out Walid and Layla are different, I ....." she starts to cough. "Shhhh.....Daada it's okay.... we'll talk when you are fine again"

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