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The best Sunday ever! Mila thought.
Going to school with crouches and literally everyone asking you what happened is the worst thing ever which has been going on for a month now.
She couldn't be more happier that the cast is going to be removed today.

Another thing as well. There's a court hearing regarding the Maigoro case.

The elders travelled to California for Imad and Jalil's grad. They are finally done with university! She also have two months before wrapping this university stuff! They'll come back home for a month or two before going back for their masters degree.

So that means only Adda khadyy, Hamma Imran, Shadad, Manal, Adda Nims, Jawad, Hameed and maybe her would be there.

Adda Zee has been sick these few days so she's obviously not going.

"And here you go! Casts removed!" The nurse said with a huge smile. "Alhamdulillah!" Mila muttered with an exaggerated smile. "Can't wait to start running around again" Mila said to Jawad. "I bet you've been planning on doing that for days" he said with a chuckle and she laughed as well.

After they are done with the hospital stuff, they made their way out of the building and straight home.

It's almost 1:00pm and the hearing is around 2:30pm so Mila had to decide whether she wants to go or not right now.

"How have you been?"
"Good! What about you? Heard your casts are removed today, congrats"
"Thanks....uhmm....are you going for the hearing?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world Mila, what about you?"

"I don't know Manal" she said with a sigh. "I'm confused" she added. "One part of me wants to be present while those fools get what they deserve but other part of me is scared" she admitted.

"Oh baby! You must be feeling so bad right now, but I think you should go" Manal said. "Think it through though....what do you actually want? Be home or see those two suffer" she said. "You've always been my personal therapist" Mila Said with a huge smile
"My pleasure" Manal said with a laugh.

"Hey cousin!" Mila said to Shadad who just planted a kiss on Manal's cheek after coming into the room. Yes! They are face timing. "Hey there Mila!" he said with a smile. "Why are you even having a video call, you could simply meet, it's that easy" Shadad said to Manal. "Weird girly stuff" she said and Mila chuckled while shaddad moved out of the room muttering, "You guys are really confusing!"

"So....you are going?" Manal asked taking her attention back to her bestie. "Definitely!" Mila said. "Dress sassily girl....show the bitches who's the boss here" Manal said and Mila laughed.
"When did you become this miss goody goody?" She asked raising a brow.
"The moment I became friends with you, just never showed the bitchy side'' she said. "Do that often, it suits you" Mila Said and they laughed.

"Alright, gotta go! Bye!" Mila said.
"Bye and dress nice!"
"Sure" she said as she hung up laughing.

"I have changed my mind" Mila announced standing by the door and he raised his brow. "I'm going for the hearing" she said. "Sudden change of mind?" He asked and she nodded with a smile. "Are you sure...I mean you don't have to go when you don't want to" Jawad said standing where she is.
"I think I got this one!" she said with a sigh.

"I wanna look at their expressions when they are given the sentence" she added. "Alright then" he nods. "Get ready, we are leaving in twenty mins" he said to her. "I'm on it" she replied and rushed to her room to get ready.

"So what's the theme for the dressing?" Jawad asked. "Sassy" she replied with a smirk. "I could see that M'lady" he said and she laughed. "You sure do!" she replied hooking her arms into his as they make their way to the awaiting car.

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