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Saturday, November 3, 1984

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...Saturday, November 3, 1984...
all out of love - air supply
(in a sarcastic way, i promise)

Mickey was standing at the stove, making breakfast for two even if Eleven didn't join her that morning. But sure enough, the smell of bacon must have drawn her out as she came to the table soon after the food was finished.

She looked solemn, eating quietly. It worried Mickey.

"So, I've got a shift all morning. I won't get off until a little after lunchtime. Will you be okay here by yourself today?" she asked.

El nodded and continued her silent meal.

"Alright. I guess I'm out, then. I left you a sandwich in the fridge. Other than that, I guess I'll see you tonight."

Mickey stood and made it all the way to the door until she heard the girl's small voice behind her. "Bye, Shelly. I love you."

Mickey turned back to see a small smile on El's face. She returned it. There was the sister she knew. "Love you, too, El-bell. See you later."


It was nearing lunch time at Family Video and Mickey was looking forward to her break. Keith came over to the second building, switching from one job to the next as his morning shift at the arcade came to a close. "Some of those annoying little dweebs of yours are over there," Keith said.

"Which ones? I know a lot of annoying little dweebs," Mickey replied without looking up from her book sitting atop the cash register.

"Sinclair and his new little girlfriend."

"Lucas has a girlfriend? Since when? Do I need to have a chat with her?" Mickey said, immediately switching to parent mode.

"More pressing matters are at hand, Hopper. For example, where the hell is that Terminator DVD?"

"I'll bully Dustin into finally returning it. Don't stress."

"Fine. Within the week or it's coming out of your paycheck."

"Scout's honor," Mickey said with mock seriousness.

"And in other news, Harrington's car is parked outside."

"Ha ha. Very funny." But with that, the bell on the door rang and in walked Steve Harrington with a sack lunch in hand. Mickey finally closed her book while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Keith looked between them confusedly. "Wh- What are you doing here?" Mickey asked.

"You always forget to eat when you're working," Steve said obviously. "I always bring you food. Remember?"

"N-Not always-"

"Always," Keith contradicted as he shoved a Cheeto puff. "Just go have your little picnic in the back. I have no tolerance for your PDA today."

"Fuck off, Keith," Mickey yelled while Steve just rolled his eyes and stuffed his free hand into his pocket.

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