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Tuesday, November 8, 1983

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...Tuesday, November 8, 1983...
bright future in sales - fountains of wayne

That afternoon, Mickey took a pen from her bag and a coffee filter from one of the kitchen drawers, smoothing it out over the counter. Memorial for Will at the HS with Brad, Steve, Tommy, and Carol. Home by 1:00. -Mick.

Her father was still spending nearly all of his time on this case. Mickey knew why even if she wouldn't admit it to herself. It was the same reason Will's disappearance had hit her so hard. She didn't even know the kid, but she felt his loss every time she caught sight of his older brother or saw his friends riding their bikes without him.

It was a familiar feeling, noticing something was missing when she looked at a group. She guessed it's why her parents eventually divorced. Every time they looked at a "family picture," it was incomplete. They never recovered from the pain of their loss. Mickey only hoped she wouldn't have to watch the same thing happen to the Byers.

But tonight was not a night for grief. Mickey already spent much of her time pushing down her feelings, ignoring the incoming wave of anxiety every time she thought about Sarah. What was one more night? So, she popped a Xanax and left the house to where Brad's pickup truck was waiting for her.

They drove across town to Steve's large house, only down the street from Tommy's. Carol and Brad's houses in the same upper middle class neighborhood and the Wheelers weren't far. Conversely, Hopper had picked a spot for their trailer on the outskirts of Hawkins, almost completely isolated from the rest of town. Mickey tried not to mind, but it only made her feel more removed from the rest of her peers.

When she reached the house of Steve Harrington, however, the opposite was felt. As soon as the door was opened, Steve picked Mickey up and spun her around in a hug, Tommy and Carol soon joining them at the door, laughing about something undoubtedly stupid. Nancy and Barb were standing nearby, much more resigned than the others.

Mickey came up beside Barb and bumped her shoulder as they made their way towards Steve's backyard. "Hey, feeling okay? I know these things can be intimidating at first."

The redhead smiled and looked down at her shoes. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just here for Nancy, ya know?"

"Totally," Mickey said, placing her hand on Barb's arm reassuringly. "You're a good friend. And, hey, if you need anything, this is basically my second home, so-" She was cut off by Brad looping an arm around her waist and pulling her away. "Anything you need! Don't hesitate!" she yelled after her friend as she was yanked away. Mickey turned around and slapped Brad's arm. "Dick! I was having a conversation."

"Hey, I just wanted to talk to you," he said lightly, sitting down on a poolside lounge chair. Brad gestured for Mickey to sit beside him. She rolled her eyes, but complied. "I know you didn't like what I said--well, what Tommy and I said--about the Byers kid so I just... you know... Sorry."

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