The Party

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Aelita closes her eyes, remembering what had happened yesterday.

12 hours earlier...

Everyone was drunk already; it wasn't even the first hour. The ones who were drunk out of there minds: Samekichi, Wadanohara(she was tricked), Memoca, Dolphi(also tricked), Etihw, and a whole bunch of others patients (that'll be introduce later); The half-drunks: Idate, Kcalb and Fukami; The sober: Aelita.

She hates alcohol, so she doesn't drink, and she's 13, soon to be 14 in 3 months. She looks around the horror of drunk people surrounding her, and some of them are having make-out sessions.

Memoca came up to her and drag her to where Idate is. "" She only giggled because she is drunk out of her mind. She leaves her with Idate and jumps onto Dolphi.

Aelita looks up at the half-drunk cannibal and takes a step back. He grabs her arm and pulls her close to him, wrapping both his arms around her. "Let go..." He licks her cheek and imminently started nibbling her, trying to grab a piece of her skin. "S..stop..let go..!" He didn't stop nor let go of her. He continued to nibble at her, eating bits of her skin that he manage to rip off from her.

She was pulled away from her by a total drunk Samekichi with Wadanohara on his back, passed out. "You should....should leave her alone, stupid orca!" He smelled like hard liquor and possible weak beer. Aelita took a step away from him and let the two keep fighting.

She sat down where she was earlier before Memoca took her. She sighs and takes a sip of her water and imminently spits it out. "Is this vodka..?!" She hears snickering from a group of people. She sighs in annoyance.

"...lita!!" She heard her name being called out and heads towards the source and discovers that it was Idate, now completely drunk. "Aelita~ 🎶!" He sang her name, "help me cut the weak shark open!" She looks at a knocked out Samekichi on the floor and shakes her head. "You're not allow to eat the other your nurse, I'll go get an arm from the freezer..."

She heads towards the door, then suddenly felt a pair arms wrapped around her. She looks up and sees a pair of big, gray, cannibalistic eyes. "I don't want that..." He turns her around, so she's facing him. He comes near her face, his lips inches away from hers, "I want you..." Before he closed that gap between them, he fell to the floor, covering his male gentile. "Stupid orca..." Aelita blinks and sees who was her savior, "Ms. Romca..." Romca nods at her and drags the cannibal away.

Aelita leaves the room and heads towards the kitchen. "Samekichi might be arm for Idate...cake for Mr. Kcalb..." Her words trail off when she entered the kitchen, seeing Kcalb eating a piece of cake. "Hello Mr. Kcalb..." She bows and he nods, "Hello Aelita...what're you doing here?" Aelita straightens herself. "To get food for Idate and Samekichi...." He nods again and gets up, walking towards Aelita. "You look a little pale...I was pretty sure that your fever was gone." She blinks in surprise, but, as usual, can not express it; questioned his statement. "Fever? What're you talking about...?" His eyes widen in surprise and approaches her more. "The fever you had for the past must've been sleeping most of the time, that you don't remember." Aelita thought for a quick moment, and nods. "I remember now..."

She quickly looks down at the white floor, "I have a question...." He looks up and softly smiles at her. "Of course...what is it..?" She breathes in deeply and softly spoke, "How would Idate react if I asked how Mama died...?" Kcalb eyes widen a bit and takes a step back. "I don't know...but I do know that he will try to pass the question up, or he'll tell you to leave..." Kcalb closes his eyes sadly and leaves the kitchen without saying a word.

Aelita sighs and walks to the freezer and stays in there for about 10 minutes. "The cold...always make me happy..." Footsteps approach her from behind her, but she didn't hear them, instead the owner of the steps wraps their arms around her and pulls her close to them.

"Wha..?! Let go...!" She struggles in the arms and breathes in their atmosphere. 'Smoke..?' Aelita turns her head a bit and looks up to see many sharp teeth coming at her.

1 hour later...

Aelita wakes up to meet darkness hitting her face and the scent of nicotine. She sits up and feels her surroundings. 'I'm in a bed...' She looks to her right and sees a sleeping figure. 'Was I...?' Aelita shakes the sleeping person and hears a groan. "Five more minutes..." She recognized the voice and knew exactly who's voice is it. "A...aaah..." Aelita looks down quickly and sighs in relief. 'Good...I got my dress on...'

She quietly gets out of the bed, but her foot hits an empty beer bottle, causing it to fall and break, and waking up the cannibal. "Who's there...?" Idate turns over, still fully clothed, looks at Aelita sleepily, then wraps his arms around her waist. "Morning Ice Cream..." Then something in Aelita snapped.

She grabs his arm and twists into a direction that an arm shouldn't be twist into. Idate wasn't fazed by it; he turned his arm back the way it was and pinned her down. "It wouldn't be fun playing with you if you were sleeping...~" He licked her ear slowly; she shivers when his tongue came into contact with her skin.

"L...let go of me..." She struggles a bit, only making him chuckle. "'re so cute with that face!" Aelita stopped moving and stares at him with her expressionless face, "What face...? I can't express, you know that...." Idate looks at her confused, "What do you mean? You've been smiling, and obviously, had fear on that cute, little face of yours..~" He lets go of her and lays down next to her.

She fixes her sleeve and and sits up, sighing. "Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm leaving..." She gets up and heads towards the door. "I wouldn't do that if I were you...~" She turns the door knob; an electric shock went through her body.

She jumps back, and holds her hand. "Told you..~" She sighs and looks back at him, "what should I do then...?" He smirks and shivers went down her spine. He rummages through a box; Aelita is silently praying that it isn't what she thinks it is. She heard clanking of bottles and looks up.

He was holding a case of beer and is drinking one already. "Have at least one bottle of beer, then I shall let you go!~" He sang. Aelita sighs and grabs a bottle and starts chugging.

12 hours later...

"No wonder I smell like beer..." She sighs and goes upstairs, towards her clean, white bathroom. "I'm so not drinking ever again...but..." She breathes out, smelling the lingering nicotine in her breath, "I'll keep smoking..." She closes the door, a soft giggles was heard from the distance.

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