Welcome to Mogeko Asylum

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About 8 years ago....

"Aelita, remember, Mama's patients means the world to her." A middle age woman said to her daughter, in a place what looks like a hospital. The girl looks up at her mother with a puzzled look on her face. "Why Mama? Does these people need help?" The mother looks down at her daughter and smiles softly. "Yes they do, Sweetie. And I want to help them all. Do you understand?" The girl was looking at a boy with white hair with reds eyes, little bit older than her, seems to be a patient here, then she looks back up to her mother. "Not really." The woman closes her eyes and smiles. "Well, one you'll understand. And I have a question for you too." Aelita's face brighten up a bit and smiles. "What is it?" Her mother calmly and quietly asked her question. "Do you wanna help them too?"

8 years later....

It's been 8 years since that day. 8 years since Aelita seen her mother. And 8 years since she witness something that she wished never seen, her mother's murder. Aelita was only 5 when she died, and now, she's 13, working part time at the asylum that her mother used to work at, Mogeko Asylum. She would visit her mother after school, but now since she's on her own, she started working here for her mother, since she loved it here. It was a little weird, especially at night, when the weirdest patients come out. The only shift she was able to get was the night shift, the shift that nobody takes, but the only people who were the bravest on taking those shifts, was Aelita and her mother. The weird thing was that there was barely any nurses that work here during the daytime, but Aelita already knew that, she's been coming here since she was 5, so she's used to this. And ever since that day, she's hadn't shown any expressions at all. Not even a change in her voice. Which scares everyone, including herself. The doctor says that if she doesn't at least change the way she speaks, she'll be stuck in this state for about the next 20 years. It's already been 8 years, 12 more to go.

So here she is now, in front of Mogeko Asylum, ready for her first night there. She can leave early since she's attending school, so she's able to get some sleep, but she wants to help everyone.

She enters the building that looks like a castle on the outside, but in the inside, it looks like an actually hospital. Quitely walking up to the receptionist and lightly presses on the bell. The woman looks up from her work and smiles at Aelita. "Good day Ms. Stones. How are you?" She cheerful said to her. With a dull expression and a dull tone, she replies the best she could make into a happy voice, but sadly fails. "Never been better..." The nurse looks at her weird. That's right, the nurse doesn't know about her condition. "Are you alright, Aelita?" She said worryingly. Aelita felt panicked, but could not express it. "U-um...It's a project. To see how long to keep this tone of voice and keeping the same expression." What a totally lie she thought. There is no way she'll believe her. "Oh really? How interesting!" She bought it?! Well, at least she won't have to worry about her. "You know where the room is at." She casually said. The room. The crime scene. The place where the murder took place. "Thank you..." She walks down the bright, white hall and stops in front of a bright, white door. "This is it..." She calmly says. She turns the knob slowly and carefully, as if the door knob is going to fall off. Once the door was all the way open, the scent of blood blows across her face and made her sick to the stomach. She covers her mouth, making sure not to vomit. She looks up and sees a man in a black suit, jet black hair with two white dots on both side, black gloves and black shoes and he was covered in blood. This made her more sick. The man approaches her and lustfully spoke. "My, my~ a girl~? A junior high school girl to be exact~. Oh my day just keep getting better~!" Who was this man? Why is he in here? And whose blood is that?! A nurse comes in calmly and spoke as if this happened before. "Mr. Idate, please return to your room and stay there. No need to go out strolling. Wait till recess, understand?" The man, who is called Idate, nods and walks out of the room, as if Aelita didn't exist. "W-who was that...?" A bit of fear in her voice came out. The nurse replies, "One of the patients here. His name is Idate, he's one of the night patients, which means he's your responsibility and he eats people, so as his midnight snack, give him a arm that's in a freezer. Also, he believes he's a orca, so be careful." The nurse smiles, as if this is no big deal. "H-he's a cannibal?!..." Her voice raised a bit louder, which is good progress for her. "Yes he is. So I recommend to visit him last." The nurse smiles, her face reads, 'Doesn't matter if you die. It's normal here.' Aelita, as usually, still have her dull expression, but her voice is able to give off the sound of her expressions she wanted to make. "A-alright...but who was that he was eating..?" Aelita turns to what is left of the body. The nurse looks and replies with a call tone, "Seems like a robber. I date must've saw him." Aelita looks back at the body and gulps shakily. "Anyway, your uniform is in the closet. It's white, so don't worry." Before Aelita could respond, the nurse already left. 'She said my uniform was in here...' Aelita opens the closet door and the inside seems normal. She found her uniform and changes into it. If she was playing hide and seek, she won't be found for weeks. 'Seems like I'm stuck here, until Mama's spirit has calmed down...'

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