Bad Day for a Cool Guy

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A/N: About time I show this motherfucker and add another patient. Because holy shit I took to long for this moment. Anyway, ENJOY

About 8 years ago...

Aelita was being hanged upside down from a tree at her school. 'Good thing I wore shorts under!' She tries reaching towards the knot, but she couldn't reach it.

She sighs and sees an ashen
head boy in the distance. "Hey! E--a--!" The boy looks at her direction and waves and runs over to where she is. "What are you doin' up there?" He laughed, while Aelita pouts. "My teacher put me up here as a punishment. And I wanna get down!" He thought for a moment. "I'll get you down, IF you help me with Y--a--re!" Aelita nods and was starting to get blood rush.

He goes over and pulls out a pocket knife. "Hold still." Aelita yelps in fear and struggles more. He sighs and starts cutting the rope until it broke off on its own. Aelita landed head first, then the rest of her body hit the ground. "Ow!" She it's up and rubs her head, "that hurt..." She pouts slightly and gets up, "thanks for helping!" She bows and he chuckled quietly, "no prob."

8 years later...

Aelita head towards the asylum with a paddle in hand for a certain cannibal. 'Idiot, idiot, idiot...' She kept repeating that in her head, mumbling quietly, "Stupid, stupid, stupid..."

She enters the asylum and goes straight towards the changing room. She changes into her nurse uniform and goes to Idate's room first and hiding the paddle behind her. She knocks on the door and hears a 'Come in!' She enters the room, with the paddle behind her. "The nurses said you need a 'physical exam' today..." Idate gave her a confused look and sets his cig, the one he was just smoking on, down in the ash tray. "I don't have a ex-" Aelita cut him off with a hit to the face. "You'll be needing one."

30 minutes later...

Aelita leaves his room with a bloody paddle. The nurses look at her in fear and she spoke up, "Mr. Idate will be needing an exam...." She goes to her next patients room and still holding on the paddle just in case.

She knocks on a certain, love-sick boy's room and waits for an answer. A sudden thud was heard inside and a lot of crashing. 'Is he alright...?' She cracks the door open and discovers a naked, teenage male in a bed covered in rose petals and with no clothes on at all.

"Hey Yosa- OH MY GOD!!" He falls out of the bed and covers a certain area on his body. "I figure you might do this one day...and fail at it..." Aelita just stand there with no reaction at all and he covers himself with a blanket, "You effin' suck..." He gets up and puts on a pair of boxers and pants.

"So what does Vanilla want?" Aelita sighs in annoyance and throws his medicine at his head. "One: Do not call me that...; Two: Take your medicine..." He rubs his head, where Aelita hit the bottle; takes two small pills out and swallows them both. "Done." He leans back on his bed and pushes up his shades, "well, see ya."

She stands there with her paddle and clipboard, she was staring at his sunglasses. "Hm...." He looks up at her and gave her a questioning look. "What do ya want?" She sits next to him and quickly took his shades to reveal a pair of amber eyes, "what the eff'?! Give those ba-" She cut him off with the snapping sound of his last pair of sunglasses. "You don't need them..." She drops the broken pair and steps on them, "you look cute without them..."

He pushes her off, onto the bed. "I ain't cute! I'm manly as hell!" She gets up and heads towards the door while the 'cool' boy picks up his shades, "why would you care?" She turns around and throws a spike collar, which he owns, at his head and with spoke with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Because she'll come up to you and make fun of you; that's just one of the many qualities you have that make her talk about Emalf." She leaves the room with a confused demon-like boy.

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