Cheer Camp

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It was a bright day today, and I was at cheer camp with my cousin Addison, and it was absolute hell. First off, I hate the heat, second, I'm not a big fan of cheer. Don't get me wrong, the people who do cheer are very talented but it's not for me. Like... at all.

I'm Y/n, and I live with my cousin Addison in Seabrook. I moved in with her last year during the whole tearing down the zombie border thing which I think was really cool 'cause the crapy town could use some change. 

People weren't happy with it at first, but eventually, it grew on them. That is thanks to Addison, the zombies, and I. But that's not the point. Seabrook has come a long since that time, but of course, some people, never change. 

"Come on Y/n!" Addison yelled happily, breaking me from my trance. "Wha-?" I started, but before I could finish, Addison grabbed my wrist, and we ran through the crowd of cheer camp people. 

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked with a tired voice. "Because you love me, and I wasn't going to let you be in the house by yourself all the damn time." Addison explained with a sarcastic cocky look. "Being alone is the best thing possible." I protested. Addison just rolled her eyes with a smile and grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the rest of the cheerleaders. "Oh my lord, you run to damn much." I said, lazily as I tried to keep up with her.

Addison pulled me beside Bonzo and Bree, who were happily talking in zombie tongue. Something I got off of the zombies moving into Seabrook was that I started to pick up on the zombie language. "Split up!" We all heard someone yell from behind the group, and we did so because, why not? 

But of course, all it was, was Bucky making his grand entrance. Personally, I really wonder how the bitch is related to me. Everyone cheered and clapped as he did his little flip thingy and I just stood and there and rolled my eyes. 

"You've all heard of the stories of the bloodthirsty monsters, who roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders." Bucky spoke with a firm and serious voice. "Well, it's good some of us aren't innocent and one of us isn't a cheerleader." I whispered to myself. Addison elbowed me jokingly and Bree and Bonzo chuckled, making a small smile appear on my face. 

"Boo!" Yelled two or three people behind Bonzo and Bree, making them jump into each other's arms. Of course, though, it was the Acey's. 

"Well, those stories are just silly make believe." Bucky said with a bright annoying smile and chuckle. "Should I tell him I saw one one day to freak him out?" I whispered to Addison. "No." She whispered but with a quiet laugh. "We would never hear the end of it." She explained with a smile. "True that." I said as I turned my focus back to Bucky.

"But you better believe we're gonna break you down and build you back up into preppy little cheer machines like..." He led off. "Lacey!" The blonde cheerleader came out from beside Bonzo and Bree and did a thing to show off. Not sure what it's called so we're gonna call a thing. "Stacey!" A dark-skinned girl came out from beside another Acey and did another thingy and walked to stand beside Lacey. "And our most recent Acey, JC!" JC was a boy with curly hair and looked nicer than the other Acey's. Well, he was new, so they haven't fully corrupted him yet. 

JC did a flip thingy similar to Buckys and then stood in front of Bucky and held out his hand. "I'm Kevin." He said with a smile. "I can see they haven't fully brainwashed this one yet." I whisper to Addison. Her eyes just widen, and she sighed. "Hopefully this one will have some hope left in him." She said with a look as if she was tired of the Acey's. But honestly, who wasn't already done with them. They're second worst in the school. They fall right under Bucky and kiss his damn feet.

Bucky gave JC, or should I say Kevin, a look that said, 'fix it' and he did. "Right. We changed my name to JC." He said with a smile. "Which I love by the way." He finished when he realized Bucky didn't look satisfied at first. Bucky gave him an annoyed smile and the two other Acey's looked embarrassed. "The Acey's!" Bucky finished as they all posed. 

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