Werewolves In Seabrook

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Everyone from camp is on the bus now and on our way back to Seabrook, with the shrimp mascot driving the bus. I had the aisle seat and Addison had the window seat. "Personally, I don't really trust the shrimp driving the bus." I whispered as I leaned closer to Addison, while still watching the shrimp drive. She didn't respond. She seemed slightly upset about something. "Hey? You okay?" I asked with concern. 

Just then, one of the cheerleaders announced how they got invited to prawn, and it instantly clicked. Zed hasn't asked Addison yet. "Don't be upset about prawn. Boys are idiots but I'm sure once we get home, he'll ask you. We both know you two are crazy for each other." I said with a smirk towards the end, making Addison smile. 

"What about you Bree? Anything with Bonzo and going to prawn?" I asked as I turned around to see Bree in the seat behind Addison and me. "Nothing. Bonzo won't even look at me." Bree explained. The three of us all turned our focus to Bonzo who was a few seats down on the other side of the bus. "Sorry to hear that, Bree." I said with sympathy. 

I then turned back in my seat and looked out the window. But then something caught my attention. "Hey Addison. It's probably important you look out your window." I said with furrowed eyebrows. Addison turned her head, along with Bree and the three of us looked out the window. Well, I take that back. The whole camp was looking out the windows. 

A sign unrolled outside Addison's window, and everyone read it aloud. "Addison will you..." read the first one and then the second one came down. "Go to the prawn..." Everyone read. "With!" Bree started excitedly. I knew it was Zed cause like, who else would it be?

Addison looked at me, her face full of joy. When I looked out the front of the bus, I saw Zed on a ladder in the middle of the road, screwing in lighting bulbs to an arrow sign. "Zed!" Addison yelled, clearly shocked.

Everyone started screaming and I could tell Zed did to cause his face looked panicked and I mouth opened up wide. Next thing I know, the shrimp hit the ladder Zed was on, causing him to land on top of the roof. I have no clue what he's holding onto, but he better hold tight 'cause the damn shrimp doesn't know how to drive.

"What the fuck!" I yell with a panicked voice as everyone else screamed. "Zed!" Addison yelled again. I looked at her, only to see Zed on the other side of the window, hanging on for his dear life. Addison and Zed put their hands on the glass, lining them up. "Okay Addison, I know you miss and love your boyfriend, but now is not the time for a reunion!" I yell, still completely panicked. 

But of course, not to my surprise, Zed goes flying off the bus and the bus falls into the woods. Everyone is screaming and panicking and I'm holding onto to Addison for dear life. The bus rolled into the woods and the break slammed on, causing me to go flying forward and hitting my nose on the seat in front of me, making me wince and pinch my nose. 

Everyone was still panicking, and Addison took charge and stood up. "Is everybody okay?" Addison yells slightly. Everyone nodded, still to shocked to say anything. Addison looked down at me. "You good?" She asked. "Yea, just make sure next time your boyfriend wants to surprise you with something, it isn't when the whole cheer squad is on the bus and the shrimp is driving." I said, somewhat annoyed. "Nothing can happen to me, I'm way to important!" Bucky said as he threw himself out the bus. "You know, I was kinda hopping something would happen to him." I said to Addison. "Zed!" She yelled, then ran off to find him. "Addison!" I yelled and then ran off to try and find her. 

"Addison where the hell did you go!" I yelled while running through the forest. I soon came to a clearing in the forest and slowed down, but when I did, I heard a sudden stick snap. "Shit!" I whisper yell to myself. "Addison, please be you." I whisper. "I'm gonna beat your ass if you try to scare me!" I shouted thinking it was her. I looked around and saw multiple people moving through the trees.

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