Flesh And Bone

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It took a while to get everyone together but the second we did; we all started our way to the powerplant. Addison and I were in front of everyone, so we were the first to see security grabbing the wolves and putting handcuffs around their wrist. Silver handcuffs in fact. 

"Not the best jewelry for wolves, what would you say?" I say with a smirk as I look over to Addison who returned it. When I turn to look, I see that the wolves looking at me. They must've heard me but none of the workers seemed to. 

"Demo time! Everybody clear out!" Zeds dad called. "No!" Addison yelled as she stepped forward with the cheer leaders. "Addison?" Zed and my uncle yelled in sync. 

"The world has gone crazy, and no one seems to listen." Addison sang as she danced with the cheerleaders. "Gotta step, no more maybes, and stop the demolition. Is it hope or fear? Look it the mirror. Everything we built is coming down." She sang. 

(A/n: You take Elizas spot.) Once the cheerleaders moved out, I came in with the zombies, and we slayed. 

"No more hesitation. It's time we start to realize, with all this separation, silence is still taking sides. So, make a choice. Use your voice. And tell, me are you standing with the crowd?" I sang. 

Addison and Bree came up to me, and stood behind me, along with other zombies and cheerleaders. 

"Oooooooh, this is a declaration. Ooooooooh of a new generation. It's now or never, we're in this together. We'll fight through the highs and the lows. No, we won't break, we're more than flesh a bone." Everyone sang while Bonzo went over to some wheel thing and turned it to make water start pouring everywhere. Everyone started dancing and singing and I took this opportunity to try to get the wolves out.

I ran over to Wyatt and took a bobby pin out of my hair. "Turn around, quickly." I demanded Wyatt and he did. "You have a beautiful voice." He spoke. "I know." I sassed. "Hey! Get away from him!" One of the guards shouted as he came rushing over to me. 

I stopped working with Wyatts handcuffs and followed through with the first thing that came to mind. I swung my fist at the man, 'causing him to fall backwards, cupping his nose. I stood there for a second, shocked at what I did when I saw blood seeping through his hands. (A/n: This reminds me of the time a bug flew past me, and I flipped out and ended up punching myself in the nose. My dad thought I broke my nose that day, but I was fine.)

"Damn. I didn't know you could do that." Willa said, clearly shocked. "Yea, neither did I." I spoke. When I turned around, I saw at least three more men running towards me. "Y/n go!" Willa demanded. "Now!" Willa and Wyatt said in sync. "Yep. On it." I said as I ran to Addison.

Addison grabbed my wrist and ran with me down the hall with everyone and I was trying my best not to slip and fall on my ass.

"Ayyyyyy! We say no more bad blood! No more bad blood!" Addison and I sang as we ran. "Ayyyyyyy! No way! They stop us! No, they can't stop us!" Everyone sang. "Ayyyyyy! They can't stop us! No, they can't stop us! Ayyyyyy! No way! They can't stop us! No, they can't stop us! No, they can't stop us!" Everyone sang.

Addison and I hid behind a big pillar from the guards chasing me. "History changes but we lost the pages we wrote." Zed sang and Addison and I looked at each other. "When you lose direction can't see the reflection you know. We came from the bottom then became the problem now everything's out of control. So hey, are you with me? Let's go!" Zed sang and Addison and I ran out from behind the pillar.

Everyone met up in front of my uncle and Zeds dad. I was in front of everyone, and I had Zed and Addison on both my sides. 

"Oooooooh! This is a declaration! Oooooooh! Of a new generation! It's now or never, we're in this together we'll fight through the highs and the lows! No, we won't break we're more than flesh and bone." Everyone finished. 

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