Saying My Goodbyes

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Your outfit slay

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Your outfit slay

Today was weird. I returned the moonstone necklace to Willa since there was no need for me to have it at this point and it was prawn night and I wanted to go with Addison, but I felt like I needed to help take care of the pack. I felt bad in two ways. It was either go with Addison and leave the wolves to take care of themselves or help take care of the wolves and have Addison go by herself.

I talked to Addison about it, and she assured me that she would be fine with going on her own, but I could still tell she was disappointed. 

So here I am, in the wolf den with werewolves who don't even know if they'll see daylight tomorrow. I was walking around handing soups and blankets to wolves and wolf pups and some thanked while other could barely even move. 

I turned around when I heard footsteps approaching me and saw Wyatt walking to me. "Hey, come with me." He said with a small smile before gently taking my hand in his and walking out the den. 

We were out by the entrance and Wyatt sat with me on a nearby rock. "You don't have to do this, you know. I know tonight is that dance thing at the school." Wyatt said with a shy smile as he looked at me. "I couldn't help before, so I'm trying to help now." I explain. "There isn't much help you can do, Y/n. You know we're going to-" He explained before I cut him off. "Don't say it." I say while looking through the trees. 

Wyatt let out a heavy sigh before putting his hand over mine. I looked over to him and saw a few stray tears fall from his eyes, and at that moment, my entire heart shattered. 

I used my free hand to cup his face and turn his head towards me. "I love you." I say with a hurt voice while tears start to form in my eyes. More and more tears started falling from his eyes at that moment, and I wrapped my arms around him. "It's going to be okay." I say with a hurt tone as I hug him and trace circles on his back with my hand. 

It was like this for a few minutes but when I heard him go quiet, I lifted his head to look at me. His eyes lost the look they always had when he looked at me. It was like everything in him had been pulled out. 

We sat there for second, just looking into each other's eyes before he used both his hands to cup my face and gently pull our lips together. When he broke the kiss, he was still cupping my face and leaned his forehead onto mine.

"I'm gonna miss you doing that." I say, trying to sound not as heartbroken. "Of course you will." He said with hurt but playful tone. I let out a small laugh as I looked at him. He then took both my hands and pressed a sweet kiss onto the back of them. "You will never understand, how much I love you." He said with a hurt voice. "I think I already do." I assure him as tears started falling down my face. 

He let go of my hands to cup my face again and wipe away my tears with his thumbs. "I love you too." He said with a hurt smile before pressing a kiss on my forehead. 

We sat outside, enjoying each other's company for a few minutes before I broke the silence.

"Come on. We have to get back inside." I say as I try to cover up the hurt in my voice as I stand up. "Yea. You're right." He responds with a forced smile. "I always am." I say with a shy smile as I gently take his hand and walk back into the den.

Wyatt and I stood with Willa in the den. We gave everyone blankets and soups so all we could do now was wait. "I'm gonna miss you, Y/n." Willa says with a hurt voice as she turns to look at me. "I'm gonna miss you too." I say without even trying to cover anything at this point. Willa threw herself into my arms and hugged me tight as I buried my head into her neck.

During the moment, Wynter wrapped her arms around both of us. Willa and I wrapped our arms around her as well and we all where in a big hug. "We've been alive for a long time, which means we've seen a lot of humans. But Y/n... you are by far, the best we've ever met." Wynter said with a shy smile. "It's true." Willa said. 

Just then, a familiar zombie came walking in.

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