I Knew It Was Still Here

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Zed came walking into the den by himself, with a look of determination in his face. When he spotted Wyatt, Willa, Wynter, and I, he made his way towards us. 

"They were wrong to destroy the power plant." Zed admitted. I gave him that said 'and...' and he sighed. "And I was wrong about werewolves." Zed explained and I nodded slightly. "You have every right to fight for who you are." Zed explained. "Yea? But what are we now zombie?" Wyatt shot. "You're fierce, proud, werewolves." Zed exclaimed proudly. "Yea, well they think we're monsters." Willa said harshly. "We are monsters." Zed said with a smirk. 

Zed and the wolves decided to go to the prawn anyways to fight for their rights, even if it didn't matter to the wolves for much longer. I went home and quickly got dressed before meeting everyone in the center of zombie town

 I went home and quickly got dressed before meeting everyone in the center of zombie town

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(A/n: These are the two I couldn't choose between, so I'll let you choose

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(A/n: These are the two I couldn't choose between, so I'll let you choose.)

 When Wyatt came into sight, I saw his entire face light up. I laughed a bit before walking up to him. The man looked straight flabbergasted. "You look amazing." He said with wide eyes. "You don't look too bad yourself." I say with a smirk and a wink.

Wyatt let out a chuckle before grabbing my hand and interwinding our fingers. "So, this means you'll be my date to the prawn?" I ask jokingly. "Definitely." He smirked and I let out a small laugh. 

"Oh my god! Y/n you look great!" Willa exclaimed with wide eyes, and I chuckled. "She always does." Wyatt said as he bumped me playfully. "Come one bitches! We got a dance to get to!" Eliza yelled over everyone. 

We all walked to Seabrook high where there was a countless number of lights around the whole place. The zombies and werewolves all looked gorgeous as we walked to the entrance. "Woah, you can't be here. There are laws against this." Bucky said as he stepped in front of the huge group. "Screw you, Bucky." I shot, making him look in my direction.

"Bad laws are met to be broke." Zed explained and high fived Eliza. "We're apart of Seabrook Bucky. We deserve to be here." Eliza explained. "So are we. The originals in fact." Wyatt said with a smirk. Just at that moment, Bucky realized how I was with the werewolves and holding hands with Wyatt.

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