It's About To Go Down

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Your outfit slay vagina wolf queen bitch

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Your outfit slay vagina wolf queen bitch

Let's start with saying, my aunt and uncle weren't very impressed with Addison's new look this morning. Addison and I were at the table eating breakfast and her parents watched and looked at her like she was crazy.

"So." My aunt started. "New look?" She asked. "I like it. Y/n likes it. My new friends like it." Addison explained. Her parents glared daggers at me. "Well, Y/n hasn't always been the best example for you, has she?" My aunt explained. "Wha-? Well, you aren't wrong." I admitted. 

"Did you join a... rock band?" My uncle asked Addison. Addison just gave him a confused look, as if she had no clue what he was talking about which made me roll my eyes. "Oh my lord." I whisper, slightly annoyed for no reason. "Come one Addison. We gotta go." I said as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the door and started our way for school. 

The principle started talking on the speaker about election day and all that boring stuff. As we entered the building Addison was getting weird looks and I could hear whispers all around us but neither of us cared. 

"Woah! Bad hair day?" Lacey said as she came up to us with the rest of the Acey's. "Bad hair life?" Stacey asked with an attitude. "I think it looks great." Addison shot. "Addison, if you ever expect to be cheer captain-"Lacey started. "Maybe I don't. Maybe the cheer team isn't for me after all." She shot making my jaw drop. 

Cheer has been a part of this girl's life since... well, FORVER! She doesn't even know if she really is the great alpha. I know she's always wanted to find where she belongs or whatever, but maybe she's taking it a bit far. I hate cheer and stuff, but she IS cheer. That's all she's ever done. And now she's saying it's not for her. Damn.

The Acey's clearly where as shocked as I was, if not more. There reactions said it all before they walked away dramatically. "Damn Addison. Don't let this whole thing get to your head." I said with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean? You don't like cheer." She said as we started walking again. "Yea, I don't. But that doesn't mean you don't. You've been doing cheer for how long and now you're saying it's not for you just cause of what the wolves said?" I explained. "We aren't even sure if one of us is the great alpha or whatever. Even Willa said they aren't sure if it's one of us. Don't get too excited 'cause I don't want you being crazy depressed if-" I explained before getting cut off. "If it isn't me." She said, sounding slightly disappointed. "Yea." I answered. 

"What did Wyatt want to talk to you about last night?" She asked curiously, making my eyes widen. I was quiet for a second, debating if I should tell her or not. I quickly moved my mouth to her ear and used my hands as a shield and whispered into her ear. "Him and I are mates." I said before pulling away blushing. Her jaw dropped but she wore a huge smile. "So, you two are dating?" She whispered excitedly with a huge smile. "That's one way to put it." I said with a nervous smile. "That's the only way to put it!" She whisper yelled. 

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