It's Still Here

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Everything went dark for a second. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear and feel things. I could hear people gasping like they were shocked about something and bats squeaking as they flew over the town. I could hear other animals like dogs and cat making their natural noises and people having normal conversations.

I felt my nails change like they got sharper and longer and my ears felt like they were extending. My teeth felt like they were getting sharper and growing more and my sense of smell became stronger. And then I could see again.

"It's not just genetics, is it?" I ask with an annoyed tone. "I guess not." Addison said with a smile. I then felt a gust of energy flood over me, and I started to lose my balance and I held my hand over my chest. Everyone came rushing over to me as I kneeled lower to the ground from the energy overwhelming me.

"Guys, what's wrong with her?" Addison asked worryingly. "We're not sure. This hasn't happened before." Willa said while looking at me with concern. 

"It's like..." I said with trouble speaking. "Like a huge amount of energy just came flooding over me." I said as I kept struggling to speak. 

"It's the moonstone." Wyatt explained. "It's the energy from the moonstone that's affecting her. Since she's the Great Alpha, she's the only one that can feel it, but she's not used to it." Wyatt explained with a hand on my back.

"Well, then get the damn necklace off her!" Addison shouted. Wynter quickly came behind me, unclipped the necklace, and took it back. When she did, it was like all the life had been sucked out of me and I fell onto Addisons lap as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Hey it's okay. You'll be okay." She assured me. "That shit really sucks the life out of you." I struggle to say with a smirk, and everyone laughed a bit. I sat up from Addisons lap and struggled to stand, but everyone around me helped. 

"That's not at all what I was excepting." I say as let go of Addison. "Which part?" Wyatt asked. "All of it." I say with a smile, and everyone laughed a bit. "Wanna try again? We'll be here to help." Addison said with a sweet smile. "Sure." I say, returning the smile. 

Wynter handed me the necklace and I cautiously put it back on. Everything I felt before came back but this time, I tried to push through. I put my hand on Addisons shoulder for support and she arm while Wyatt held my other one.

It took me a second but eventually, I could stand up straight again. "I think I'm okay." I say to Addison who embraces me in a hug and laughs a bit. When Addison let go, I turn to the pack, and they all looked excited. Even Willa for once. "Welcome to the pack." Wyatt says with a smirk. "Now you can live with us in the den and you me and Willa can all have girls' night every night!" Wynter cheered as she ran up to me and hugged me with Willa following close behind her and doing the same.

But the idea of living in the den made me uncomfortable. I wanted to stay with Addison and my aunt and uncle. As much as I hate the shitty town, it's still home, I guess. 

"Maybe." I say with a smile as they let go. "What? What do you mean maybe?" Wynter said with a nervous smile. "As much as I hate this town, I don't really wanna leave it." I explain. "Plus, Addison wouldn't survive a day without me at home." I say as I smile her, and she laughs a bit. "Okay, then we can have a girl's night, every other night!" Wynter cheered. "Yea, of course." I say as I give her a side hug. 

I looked over to Zed who didn't look as disappointed as I thought he would. "Welcome to the team. Monster." Zed says with a smirk, and I roll my eyes. 

"Oh my god!" One of the workers said, catching everyone's attention. "Boss, we have a problem!" The man panicked. "What?" My uncle said as he ran to the man with Zeds dad by his side. "The remote shorted out, and now the demolitions timer is running!" The man yelled.

The werewolves, Addison, Zed, and I look all looked at each other with the same worried look. "Is there any other way to turn it off?" I ask with worry as I step forward to the man. "I'm trying, but nothing working!" He panicked. 

"Shit." I whisper. Everyone started running to the powerplant, including me, worried for what might happen next.

The second everyone turned the corner, bombs started going off around the building and it felt like I was having rocks thrown at me. "Holly shit." I whisper as I start to fall back from the same energy. Wyatt came up behind me and supported me. The bombs were done within second and the building came crashing to the ground.

All the wolves except me started coughing like crazy as their necklaces and eyes started turning green.

Wyatt started to lean down from coughing so much and I had to go next to him and give him support to keep him from falling over. 

It took a while for everyone to calm down with the coughing, but once they were done coughing, it was like they all went into a stage of depression. 

"Something isn't right." I whisper to Addison as I walk next to her, and the wolves are all supporting each other. "What do you mean?" She asked with concern. "The energy I felt from the moonstone is still here. It just feels... shaken up. Almost like it's pissed off."  I explain to Addison, who looks even more confused. "It's still here. I just don't know how to get it. It's still in the same spot and everything. We just can't see it." I explain with a worried voice. 

I turn around to face the pack and they all seem worried, sad, or scared. "I'm so sorry." I say with sorrow and furrowed eyebrows.

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