Maybe We Are Different

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I walked out the gym and didn't see anyone in the hall. "Addison?" I called as I started walking through the hall. "Addison?" I called again. This time I had an answer. Well, it wasn't exactly an answer. I heard small footsteps in the hall, and I followed them in result to finding Addison, who looked straight heartbroken.

I quicky rushed over to her with concern. "Addison, what's wrong?" I asked. "Boys are idiots." She answered quietly. I let out a sigh and realized that Zed must've said something stupid. "Yea I know. Let's go home and I'll make some hot chocolate or something." I said calmly as I start walked with my arm wrapped around her shoulder. 

By the time we got home, the sun was already starting to fall, and Addison looked like she didn't feel any better. I assumed her parents where either gone or asleep 'cause the house was dead silent when we walked in. "Take a seat on the couch and do your work and I'll help you when I'm done with your drink, okay?" I explained and she gave me a simple nod before pulling out her homework.

Once I was finished with her drink, I set it down on the small table beside her and took my seat next to her. "Feeling any better?" I asked. "Yea. Thanks Y/n." She said with a smile. "Anytime." I said with a smile as I grabbed her work from her. "So, what do you need help on?" I said with a sigh. "Chemistry." She answered. "Yea, no." I said as I automatically handed her back her work. "I have a 67 in chem. I don't think you want my help. Text Bree and ask her." I said with raised eyebrows. "A 67!" She yelled. "Yes a 67!" I yelled back with a chuckle which made her laugh a bit. 

A few seconds after Addison texted Bree, we both heard the sound of something scratch the front door. We both gave each other a nervous look before getting up. "Zed?" Addison called. "Oh my god. I swear if it's your crazy boyfriend, I'm gonna kill him." I said as I grabbed a bat from a coat closet and started making my way to the front door with Addison behind me. 

I swung open the front door and didn't see anyone. "Is there anything there?" Addison asked from behind me as she made her way beside me. "No." I said with a straight face and the bat tight in hand. 

I turned around to face Addison and something caught my eye. The door had on huge scratch mark on it. "Damn werewolves." I mutter to Addison. I heard footsteps behind Addison and me, making me whip around. There in front of us, was the pack of wolves. "Called it." I whisper to Addison with a straight face. 

"What do you guys want?" I ask them. "We need you to come with us." Willa answered. "What's so important?" Addison asked them. "You two are." Wyatt answered with a smirk. I then saw him look down to the side of me. "I hope that wasn't for us." He chuckled. "It was gonna be. That is if your name was Zed." I said with raised eyebrows and a sarcastic smile. I leaned the bat on the porch and closed the front door. "Well, let's go bitches." I blurted. Willa smirked at Wyatt, and we all started our way to... well I don't know where we're going. 

"You know, there's this thing called knocking." I said to Wyatt with a smirk as we were walking. "Now my aunt and uncle are gonna think werewolves tried to get into the house while they were asleep and they're gonna have a total fit." I said as I looked up at him. "Well, where's the fun in knocking?" He said with a smirk. "Touché." I said with a smile. 

We entered the forbidden forest, and it wasn't a long walk from there to get to what looked like a den. "Where are we going?" Addison asked. "It's a wolf secret, if we told you, we'd have to kill you." Wynter said. "Yea Addison, it's a wolf secret." I said, playfully hitting her arm, resulting to her laughing a bit. 

Willa looked at Wynter with a looked that said 'too much' and Wynter panicked. "Too much? Too much! I knew it." Wynter admitted. "Bad wolf." Wynter said as she hit her head. "Welcome!" Wynter greeted cheerfully but Willa still didn't seem impressed. "But not to welcome." Wynter said harshly and growled making her eyes glow yellow and her necklace glow blue. But that didn't last long 'cause she started coughing and her eyes started turning green and rushed beside her quickly.

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