Another Change

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Your outfit because you're amazing and this is amazing slay vagina queen

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Your outfit because you're amazing and this is amazing slay vagina queen

Addison and I made it to school, and were walking with Zed, while I was listening to the two bicker about how disappointed they were that they wouldn't be able to go to the prawn together. 

"It smells like wet dog in here." I blurted with a scrunched-up face. "What?" Addison asked. "Do you not smell it?" I asked as I looked over at her. "I mean, I guess. Wha- Why does that matter?" She asked quickly. "I'm just saying! The school always smells like someone just poured a million bottles of Victoria's Secret perfume all over the school and now it smells like someone just brought a pack of wet dogs in here!" I explain with a raised voice.

 "Listen, we have bigger problems right now, Y/n. Addison and I thought we'd be able to go to the prawn together." He said with an upset tone. "Well, if you guys are THAT bumed out about it, just don't go to the prawn together and hangout or something the same night." I suggested. "That's a good idea." Addison agreed. "Of course it is, I came up with it." I sassed, while looking straight forward as we were walking. "No, it's an awful idea." Zed protested. "Excuse me?" I questioned as I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him. "I'm not letting Addison miss the prawn." He protested. "If you can't go, I'm not going." Addison argued. "Oh my lord, where is Eliza?" I mutter to myself, knowing that they're about to argue like a perfect couple. 

"Well, I like you too much to not let you go." Zed argued. "Well, I like you too much to leave you behind." Addison argued back and I just stood there annoyed. "Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple." Eliza complained as she came up behind us. "I know right." I mutter to her. 

"How's it going Eliza." Addison said with a smile. "Oh, you know. Fighting injustice is keeping me busy." She explained with a smile. "And looking good doing it zom-bae." Addison said with a smile as she waved her fingers at Eliza and they both smiled and laughed.

Just then, Bucky came in, talking to a guy with a clip board about moving an office or something. "Addison, Y/N! Time to officially nominate me as president!" Bucky cheered. "I would rather have a werewolf as a president, Bucky." I said harshly. He and the random dude with a clip board walked away as he continued to talk about being president.

"Cheer could be so much more than just pom-pomming for Bucky." Addison said disappointed. "Anything could be more than just Bucky." I explained. "She has a point." Eliza agreed with me. "Of course I do." I replied. "And you still question how you're related to him." Addison said with a sassed tone. "Yea, yea whatever." I said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm not as bad as he is, and you know that." I explained.

 "Oh Addison!" A pitchy voice said. "Oh great." I muttered, knowing exactly who's voice it is. "Once, we're cheer captain, you're so off the team." Lacey said with attitude. "And once I'm cheer captain, you'll be welcome to stay because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together." Addison said with a smile. "That was awful trash talk." Stacey laughed. "What she met to say was, once she's cheer captain, I'll be in charge of throwing you into the forbidden forest if you don't learn how to keep your big mouth shut." I shot, making them panic at the word 'forbidden forest' and run off. A small smirk spread a across my face until I saw Addison's expression.

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