You Two Are Leaders

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Your outfit queen (the crystal necklace is not a moonstone necklace)

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Your outfit queen (the crystal necklace is not a moonstone necklace)

Today was Addison's try out thing for cheer captain and I wanted to be there for her like the amazing cousin I am, so I decided to stay after to school today and watch how it goes. 

When I walked into the gym, I saw all the werewolves, except Willa, on the bleachers. I didn't want to sit near anyone, so I just sat on the floor and leaned my back against the bleachers. 

"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice today! Together we can do anything!" Addison cheered as she ran up the to the front of the cheer squad. It's kinda cringe I know but she's being positive and a good cheer captain which is what this team needs. 

I noticed Bree and the other cheer leaders back up a bit and they all looked like they were going to piss themselves. I automatically knew they saw the wolves. Addison turned around with a confused face, but I could tell she understood why they were scared when she saw the wolves. 

"Sorry, this area is for cheerleaders only." Addison explained. She was finally learning from me. "Just try and get us to leave." Wynter said with a stern voice as she stood up to seem more intimidating, and all the other wolves, except Wyatt, did the same. "Wynter. Show some respect." Wyatt sassed as he stood next to Wynter. "No, I don't want you leave." Addison said with an innocent look. "I want you to stay. Show us what you can do." Addison said with a smirk. Yep. She's definitely learning from the best. "You to Y/n." Addison said. "What? Why?" I said confused. "Yea Y/n." Wyatt said with a smirk as he walked next to me and held out his hand. "That is unless you're scared of a little competition." He smirked. "You wish." I replied before taking his hand and getting up.

All the cheerleaders were partnered with a werewolf. Addison was partnered with Wynter, and I was partnered with Wyatt. "Five, six, seven, eight!" Addison yelled. All the cheerleaders would do a move and the wolves would copy it, some moves being harder than others. For once, it was fun. It was probably because we didn't have Bucky breathing down our necks, constantly telling us we screwed, or we sucked. 

Once we were done, everyone seemed to be happy. The cheerleaders weren't afraid of the wolves and the wolves seemed to be happy with the cheerleaders. "That was so amazing!" Addison cheered. "You guys are naturals at this." I say with a smile. "We wolves work well together." Wyatt said to Addison and me. "But we aren't wolves." We said in sync with a confused look. Wyatt just hummed at our response and Addison went to talk to Bree or something. 

"You aren't so bad yourself; you know?" Wyatt said. "Thanks." I say with a smile. "Is that a noncocky sentences you just said? That's a first." He said with a smirk. "Yea well, don't get used to it." I say as I crossed my arms. "Don't plan on it." He answered with a smile.

"Well done, Addison. With werewolves on the cheer team, this election is so in the bag." Bucky announced. "Here we go." I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "Bucky, this is not about politics. I always felt like cheer could unite." Addison explained. "You're going to make a great cheer captain!" Bucky announced and everyone could see Addison's face light up. "I'm gonna be cheer captain!" Addison cheered and everyone applaud and congratulated her. Some of the wolves even howled cause they extra. 

I ran up to Addison and wrapped my arms around her neck, embracing her in a hug and she did the same to me. 

"I was thinking the team could move beyond trophies and we could start an outreach program." Addison said to me excitedly when she let go of me. "Whoa, cheer is about what I make cheer about." Bucky explained as he butted in. "You can't let her enjoy one moment, can you?" I said to Bucky, but he ignored me as usual.

"And it's about winning." Bucky said with his jazz hands. Addison looked annoyed. Bucky went off to find people to vote for him and Wyatt made his way us. "You two are leaders. And a lot of something a lot greater than cheer." Wyatt admitted with a kind smile. "Yea, well, her more so." I whisper to myself. 

"Zed!" Addison yelled as she ran over to the gym doors and left. "That's great." I say with a heavy sigh. "What happened?" Wyatt asked with a confused. "I bet Zed saw you talking to her and got jealous." I explained. "He probably thinks you're into her." I admitted as I walked back to the bleachers to get my bag and Wyatt followed. 

"Why would he think that?" Wyatt asked. "It's a lover thing I guess." I explained. "Are you into her?" I asked with a smirk as I grabbed my bag. "No. I'm into someone else at the moment." He explained with a smirk. "Well, I'm sure they're a very lucky human, zombie, or werewolf." I said with a sarcastic smile as I threw my bag over my shoulder. "I have to go though. Addison and Zed are probably getting into an argument, so Imma go help her. I'll talk to you later though." I said with a smile and waved at him as I left.

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