You'll always be my first kiddo

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I seriously love Hulrat bond but somehow I was out of ideas for it. Thanks ictxscribbler Kiran di for helping me out. I am on my studies as from 3rd August we have exams again! And moreover I participated in MUN and for mock practice we've been given a weird topic. But I remembered I have to do this too as I really am behind people to update the books I love. So here is your Hulrat OS

KL Rahul, yes that Rahuliya was sulking alone watching something on his phone.

"Hey Moi what are you doing" asked Harry in a Harry like manner.

"Shut up Harry and get lost!" snapped Rahul in such a tone that Harry knew he doesn't want to be nearing a volcano.

"Alright Alright! I'm going. Get your head cool" he said and ran in full speed.

After Harry ran away, a certain Rahuliya being full on kiddoliya murmured to himself "I know Mahi bhai and BRo have a special place in Kohlito's heart but even I'm his first kiddo. He mentions Mahi bhai and BRo in every interview but never me!"

Author- Is that even a reason to sulk Rahuliya?

Rahul- Don't ever call me that and get lost.

Author- Okay I will but now I'll invent even more names for you 😤

Little did Rahuliya know, Harry reported to the care centre.

"Cap Vi, Moi is sulking a lot today." he told Virat.

"Now what happened to that stupid Kiddoliya of mine? Why did he become Sulkliya!?" asked Virat.

"No idea Cap Vi. But guessing from his cranky mood it's either of the three possiblities. 1. He fought with Athiya.
2. He fought or is angry with Mayu.
3. He is upset with his guardian angel." he completed grinning.

"Oh by guardian angel you mean? Oh it's me only. I'll go and check on that kiddo of mine. Harry you go rest" Virat said patting Harry's back.

"Ay Ay Cap Vi. Hardik Pandya signing off." he said dramatically earning a smack from Virat.

Virat rushed to the room of his Rahuliya who was Sulkiya as of now.

"Rahuliyaaaaaa how are you?" asked Virat.

Rahul was already upset with him so he snapped at him saying "Why do you care about me Huh? Go to Mahi bhai or BRo na."

Virat couldn't process what his kiddo was trying to say for a moment. Then immediately he realized that interview and started laughing like Jaddu.

"You are laughing to piss me off more?" said Rahul in an irritated voice.

Virat didn't say anything. He just walked towards the bed and placed Rahuliya's head in his lap.

"Rahuliya you need not be jealous of Mahi bhai or Rohit just because I took their names in the interview. I didn't take many people's name that doesn't mean that I don't love them. Isn't it? And I'm telling you for the nth time that no one can take your place in my heart. You'll be my first kiddo and nothing can change that fact. Even if I have new kuddos you'll always be the one to make me an elder brother." he said ruffling his Rahuliya's hair.

"Are you still angry from me? Hmm well I was taking you for ice cream but I think I'll have to take Kuliya, Yuzi and Harry now" he said getting up.

Rahul held him by waist and said "Noooo ice cream are mine and your thing. We'll go. Only we 2. No one will take this time from me." he whined like a baby.

"So you aren't angry anymore?" Virat asked standing up.

Rahul got up immediately and hugged him "When was I angry from you?"

They both went for their ice cream and our Sulkiya becsme Rahuliyaa again.

I don't know how it went. I hope the mistakes aren't repeated. proudintrovertgurl
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