You Got This- Devrat

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A star struck 20 year old kid was standing in front of a magnificent hotel, looking at it as it was the most amazing thing in the entire world.

(We'll just assume that he joined in 2020)

"FINALLYYYYY" screamed the boy in delight and a smile came on his face. A wide ear to ear smile.

It was at that moment, that he felt a tap on his shoulder... He turned behind with that wide smile, and suddenly his jaw dropped... Any guesses why?
That boy just saw his idol Virat Kohli, standing in front of him. He was so shocked to see The Virat Kohli in front of him that his voice just disappeared!

"Hello! I'm your captain Virat Kohli... You are Devdutt Padikkal from Karnataka I guess. The new sensation!!" said Virat in a soft tone.

"Aaa Virat Sir!! He called out my name!! Aaaa he knows me! Oh My God!! I just met The Virat Kohli! Now I can live my entire life with this memory!" said Dev, while jumping at his spot.

Virat just chuckled at the excitement of this kid. "Devdutt, don't call me sir, call me Virat bhai or Virat is even better. Now stop jumping. I don't want our opener to get injured before the season. I assure you, I'll give you enough chances to prove your worth." he said.

"Huh? I'm playing? Prove my worth?" Dev said not processing the words.

Virat giggled and said "Come in first. Go and freshen up. Then come to my room, I'll tell you! Alright Devdutt? Wait Devdutt is too long! Would Dev work?"

"Anything will work as long as you're in front of me!" Dev said like a kid holding Virat's hand.

"Dev bachchha go and freshen up! I'm not disappearing anywhere" Virat said suppressing his laughter.

Dev ran to his room immediately not wanting to disappoint the Captain! He freshened up and reported to Virat's room. He stood in a corner while Virat was making Green Tea.

"Why are you standing there? Come here Dev bachchha" Virat said.

Devdutt moved towards him nervously. Virat made him comfortable and both of them took seat on the bed.

They were talking about everything, from cricket to how Virat transformed himself and how to handle failures.

Both of them were done talking and Dev was returning back to his room when suddenly he turned to Virat and out of nowhere said "Bhai, would you give me one of your bats if I score more runs than you in this IPL?" and immediately regretted it.

"I... Wo I did...didn't mean like th... that I'm sorry bh...bha... bhai" he stammered.

"Dev, if you score more runs than me I'll be the happiest person alive. And yes I'll give you my autographed bat along with my T shirt if you did so." he said ruffling Dev's hair.

He jumped on his bhai saying Thank you, you are the best etc etc.

And Dev ended up scoring more than Kohli that year. Despite of thinking that he was like "Now I'll finally have a Virat Kohli bat and T Shirt. I'm the luckiest guy ever!!"

Hello guysss. I'm back. I was busy all these days but wrote as soon as I got time.
Requests are open for other bonds. You all please tell me a topic for a chat! I'm thinking to end it after it reaches 25 which has 5 chapters left there. Also do check out my new book Virat's Mysterious Discovery!!
See you till the next time

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