Everything will fall in place

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*Hope no rotten tomatoes and eggs are being thrown*
Hello.. Hehe I know I'm super duper late! But believe me I was busy well I am busy with something or the other! If you don't believe me ask RuchaMD I've been eating her head all day!
Onto the chapter now...
It's a very bright sunny day in the Caribbean. Everyone seems to enjoy it apart from one person... Yes it was our very own Rahuliya.. His mind was enjoying a Overthinking Trip when his phone rang. He knew who it was, and picked up the call. Without giving the caller a chance to talk he grumpily said
"Virat I'm not in a mood to talk right now." and didn't even look at the phone until
( I learnt this suspense technique from proudintrovertgurl)

"Rah chuuu.." a baby voice squealed.

"Aww my princess Vami how are you? I miss you a lot. I will bring you chocolates from here. You're looking soo pretty as always today." he said in a breath.

"Calm down Rah! Vami isn't running anywhere!" said Nush

"Rahuliyaaaaaa how are you? And Nush he's like that only" Virat said entering the frame of the screen..

"I have to believe you now. " Nush said with fake sadness.

"Nush bhabhiii you were supposed to be my side! Anyways nothing is right from months!" said Rahul not knowing a certain Kohli knew it and now he got the confirmation that his kiddoliya is going under pressure as he's not able to play from some time.

"Nush see Vami is yawning. Put her to sleep. I'll talk to my Rahuliya till then" Virat said.

"Don't call me that in front of my princess!" Rahul murmured.

"Listen Kiddoliya, I know you just recovered from the injury and you were soo eager to play. And now this stupid Covid thing got you. Moreover that idiot Harry visited that West Indian Danav leaving you behind... "

Virat was cut in the middle by Rahul "I very well know that what's happening in my life. I don't need you to repeat that!" he yelled.

( Author- Ouch! That was rude Rahuliya

KL- Don't call me that and who made me do that you stupid!

Virat- Don't call Ananya stupid!

KL- Sorry 🤐

Author - Thanks Vi❤

Virat- Go before he gets mad again.

Author- Aye Aye Captain! 😊)

Virat- Oh oh okay! Right! Good bye Rahul.

Rahul- Waitttt

Call disconnected...

"Now I even made Virat mad at me. Great job!" he said angrily.

He had the liberty of being Virat's first kiddo so he called him backk..

"Hello! Virat bhai I'm soo sorry. I took my anger out on you. I was angry at Harry coz he left me and I took it out on you. I've been frustrated now. Sorry.. " Rahul said at once.

"That only means you love me right?" Virat saud softly.

"Now listen, I know you want to play desperately, but you can't let it affect your mental peace. You want to be in the right frame of mind to play ans score big right? And I believe in you!" he continued.

Rahul was pondering on the fact that what he did to get Virat in his life!

"Thank you So much Virat! I needed this. I really did. And u understand me better than I do. That's why you knew I needed it. I love you!" Rahul said gratefully.

"I love you too my Rahuliya.. Now you should rest as rest will make you recover soon. I'll call u tomorrow. " Virat said and ended the call.

Rahul was feeling better. There was inner peace in him now. He could sleep peacefully without any grudges now..


So that's it. It's long I guess! So hope you enjoy reading.
This one is for you Anzee1199
Request are open. You may request your favorite bond of Vi with anyone I'll try to write it.
Also do check out my book Virat's Mysterious Discovery.. 1st chapter coming soon.

See you all till next time

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