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Hello!!! Another of the most cherished bond of ICT!! Mahirat. Who doesn't love them? This was requested by saisudharani
Next will be Anzee1199 's request on Hulrat.


11th January, 2021

Virat's POV-

Oh My God! How will I even hold this perfect baby in my arms? What if I drop her or hurt her with something!! Arghhh Mahiii bhaaiiii... Yes Mahi bhai... Let me call him! He has the right to see his princess first (Don't tell that to Ro 🙅🤐🤐)

Virat calls Mahi bhai and he picks up in the first ring!

"Mahiii bhaaiiii" shouted Virat in a typical Cheeku tone.

"My ears lived once. Now they're dead" said Mahi bhai closing his ears.

"Bhaiiii" whined Virat with his famous puppy eyes.

"Ok baba tell me what happened" Mahi bhai asked softly.

Virat had no words to say so he just simply turned the camera towards the cradle in which a baby girl in pink blanket was sleeping peacefully.

"OMG!!! My princess is here. She's so perfect!!!" Mahi bhai exclaimed.

Hearing the voice the baby woke up and was about to cry when she lookes at the phone with her doe eyes. They were so big and beautiful.

"She resembles my Cheeku" thought Mahi bhai.

"Bhai how do I pick her up? What if I drop or hurt her? " Virat asked innocently.

"Cheeku you're a dad now and you're calling me for such things? 🙄" said Mahi bhai.

"So what if I am a dad. That doesn't mean that I can't be your kiddo, your Cheeku." said Virat in a matter of factly tone.

"Yeah I know. Keep all this butter, cream and cheese to yourself, don't apply it on me." he replied sarcastically.

"Bhaii you're the first one in the team to see her! You're not happy?" asked Virat using all his acting to look sad.

"Ofcouse I'm her Bade Papa. I have the first right to see her. I'm ger god father too." Mahi bhai replied proudly..

"Bhai there's a group of monkeys competing to be her godfather even before she arrived! " Virat told him.

"Monkeys reminded me, call Ro otherwise you'll be dead you know." Mahi bhai said in a serious tone.

"Shit! He'll kill me for not showing her to him first. Mahi bgai can we act as if I've taken you both on call at the same time and can you repeat everything so that he doesn't doubt" Virat showed his puppy eyes second time in a day.

"Yeah sure" sighed Mahi bhai

"These kids! But whatever this showef me my Cheeku loves me the most. Although I won't tell that to Ro." thought Mahi bhai while Vi added Ro to the call and acted as if nothing happened.


Hello guysss. I'm back with another OS. Hope you'll like it.
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From now, the updates may not be regular seeing that my exams are from 3rd.

See you all ASAP.
Till then
Happy Reading

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