Another day in hell

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Hey, guys thank you so much for your support and love. I will be updating A Second Chance & A Mother's Promise soon. Hope you enjoy this one too!!
Thank you!🙏🏾❤️❤️❤️

* means speaking Russian
(( means speaking Sokovian

September 22nd
Time: 330
Location: Russia 🇷🇺

It was another day in eastern Russia. The air was cold but the atmosphere was colder due to the conditions the prisoners were forced to live in. Among these prisoners were two children, twins in fact. A boy named Luka and his sister Luna. Both twins have been in the base since they can remember, after all, they're only 4 years old practically toddlers still. But unfortunately, they aren't treated like normal toddlers. Every day they're forced into tests and training while being abused by men who don't see them as children but as freaks. Luka's powers range from telekinesis and manipulating energy through his body while also being able to control air. Luna's powers are opposite of her brother's. Her powers range from empathic connections while also being able to read people's minds while also being able to create fire with her bare hands. Currently, the twins are being trained brutally. Being whipped if they mess up or having their hair pulled if they make one mistake. 

*(come on you useless pieces of trash get it right the first time!!!)

The twins were tired and in pain. Luka was bleeding profusely from being whipped so many times. Luna wanted nothing more than to set the men on fire for hurting her brother but she wasn't strong enough. How they pray someone will come to save them from this nightmare.

*(Alright you two enough can't beat you if your dead)

The soldiers laugh darkly as they pick up the children harshly and throw them back into their cells. When the men leave, Luka starts crying and curls into his sister.

((I'm so tired sister, I don't like it here, I wanna leave but we don't have anywhere to go.))

((It's alright little brother I'll burn them all so we can escape and I'll protect you from the outside world))

((But where would we go? We have no one. Besides who would want children like us. We're monsters))

Sadly Luka was right. Where would they go? Their only 4 they can't fend for themselves. But they have to get out of here, Luka can't keep going through this pain, and neither can Luna. Being an empath sucks especially if you're a twin. You can feel everything the other feels and sometimes when Luka gets punished Luna wants to cry but she can't she has to stay strong for her brother. Luka finally stops crying and falls asleep. Unbeknownst to the scientists and the guard Luna has developed the ability to heal so whenever either of them is hurt she heals them with her fire. Luna checks to make sure the mean men aren't around and starts to heal her brother back but not too much she doesn't want the men to get suspicious.

*( Maybe tonight someone might hear my prayer and we'll be recused. I promise Luka we're gonna ok.)*

Meanwhile back at the compound

Wanda and Nat have been together for 5 years now. After the death of her brother Wanda was a complete mess, and wouldn't even leave her room for days. Began starving herself, she could barely stand. Everyone at the compound didn't know what to do but what they didn't expect was for Natasha to come to the girl's aid. Knowing how it feels to be in such a dark place she decided to help the girl. At first, Wanda wouldn't even let Nat in before but Nat didn't give up. She even slept outside her room door just to show the girl that she was there for her even if she didn't ask for her help. When Wanda found out that Nat was sleeping outside her room she began to warm up to the tall Russian woman. Soon the two became friends, best friends actually. It wasn't until the little witch started dating the android that Natasha's true feelings for the witch came to a head. It was a long road of heartbreak and heartache until when the witch broke up with the android after realizing her feelings for the assassin and soon the two started dating. Currently, the couple is cuddled up in their shared room watching the walking dead.

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