Yelena's Hunt

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Hey, guys hope you're all having a good rest of the year, and can't wait for the new year to begin. Hope my book helps you get through whatever it is going through and remember you are never alone. I love you guys and let's get back to the story🥰  (this is a long one, I just couldn't stop😅)

January finally rolls around and Alexei is getting ready to take the girls on Yelena's first hunt. Natasha was excited and nervous at the same time. She was mainly nervous about leaving Wanda with the kids for so long. Normally the hunt last 2 weeks and she's never been gone for that long but she knows Wanda can handle herself. Plus her mom is there to help her so she shouldn't be that worried. The twins were so excited until they were told their too young to go on a hunt. Luca was disappointed but Luna was the worst of it. She wanted to prove herself just like her mama but Natasha promised her that when they got back they'll do a mock hunt together to help her practice when she was old enough. Alexei has never been happier or more proud to take both of his girls hunting for the first time in a while. He remembers how much fun he and Natasha had on her first hunt and now he gets to experience it with both of them and best of all, he can pass on the art of axe-making to his girls. Melina was a bit hesitant at first but decided it would be fine. Currently, their gearing up the sled and fitting the harnesses around the dogs. Milo was a young pup when he went on the hunt with Natasha now he gets to teach Franny everything he knows to support their humans.

"And your sure you have enough food to last you through the hunt? And medical supplies?"

"Melina my darling, your worrying too much. I promise we have everything we need to last till we come back."

"I know moya Lyubov, but you can't help me but to worry. Last time you came back with a bear hide and Natasha ate nothing but reindeer for 2 months. And Yelena hasn't even peaked yet and..."

"Shh, calm moy dragotsennyy angel, your spiraling. I promise nothing will happen to our girls. I've always protected them and I always will you know this. As for the bear, he came out of nowhere last time."

Alexei brings Melina close to him and engulfs her in a tight hug. She's never said it but she has always loved his hugs, they always make her feel safe. Alexei knows this but he doesn't need her to say anything for him to understand what she needs. This has been their love language since Ohio. Since that night under the stars on a family outing when the girls were small. Melina was pointing out the constellations to them all until the girls fell asleep. After they tucked them into their sleeping bags they continued to look up at the stars and Alexei listened intently to every word she said. He was already in love with her since the first time he saw her. He's always been a hopeless romantic but he couldn't help himself when Melina came into his life. Their first meeting was before Ohio, they were stationed together for a mission together gathering intelligence and taking out enemies for the union. He saw her in action, watching her beautiful mind work and seeing how graceful she was when killing an enemy as if she is a lioness hunting and catching her prey. Alexei knew she'd be his wife one day from that day on and after their first mission he did everything he could to woo her and get her attention, like a peacock showing off his feathers to attract a mate. It took time and patience and a lot of trust but soon it worked out and he finally got the woman of his dreams and even ended up having two amazing children and even two more incredible grandchildren. He couldn't ask for a better life and if he could go back in time, he wouldn't change a thing. After they had Natasha and Wanda's engagement party, the couple went into town for a few days to celebrate their engagement together. Both Melina and Alexei are proud and happy that their oldest has found the love of her life and no longer forcing herself to be happy when she wasn't in her previous relationships. Wanda has become a permanent member of their family and will forever hold a place in their hearts. They're both still standing in the snow until they hear a fake gagging noise and giggles from behind them. Melina turns her head towards her youngest and grandchildren with an eyebrow raised and a faint smile on her lips. No matter how old she gets she will always see the small two-year-old holding onto her fingers and worming her way into her daddy's arms. Melina shakes her head and walks over to her youngest daughter and her grandchildren. She still can't believe she has grandchildren. It was once only a fantasy for her and now it is her reality and she couldn't be happier. She sees Wanda and Natasha walking toward them with Natasha carrying her hunting gear with her and a sack of some kind. The twins turn around when they hear the sound of feet walking on snow and run to their mothers and hug them. Wanda picks Luca up while Natasha puts luna on top of her shoulders. Alexei and Melina smile at their oldest and her family, seeing themselves in their daughter's eyes. Remembering when they were young and had become a family, laughing and finally being able to learn how to love and understand one another. Alexei remembers when they went to go take their first family photo together and it was a mess. Yelena wouldn't stop moving and running around, Natasha's hair wouldn't stay in place, Melina's shirt was ripped and Alexei ended up tripping over his feet and making everyone fall over by then the photographer took the picture while everyone was laughing and it turned out to be the best family photo they've taken and will always be their favorite moment together. Melina sees her husband's smile and leans up to kiss his cheek. Alexei always loves the way she shows him how much she loves him and he could live off cheek kisses for eternity.

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