Mommy & mama

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It's almost Christmas and everyone at the compound is getting into the season. Tony and pepper hired people to decorate the outside of the compound and are planning a Christmas party. Steve, Bucky, and Sam are doing toys for tots and they've almost reached their goal. Thor went back to Asgard to celebrate with his people. And Nat and Wanda are planning to take the kids back home to nat's parent's house in Saint Petersburg. Since it's the twin's first Christmas they've decided to go all out with everything Christmas. Nat even showed them one of her family traditions and since Wanda is Jewish they also decided to give them their first Hanukkah giving them an even better experience. They plan to go back and forth every year with the holidays as the twins get older but this year they wanted to show them all. And Melina and Alexi loved the idea mainly because their whole family would be there. Nat still plans to propose to Wanda but she decided to surprise her. She plans for Wanda to open her gift on Christmas morning with the ring inside and propose in front of her family. She's a little nervous but she knows Wanda will say yes. Currently, they're walking through the compound to ensure they have all their stuff for the trip to Russia while trying to wrangle their toddlers in for bedtime.

"Nat, have you seen Luca's teddy? I can't find it he's throwing a fit."

"Uh did you check the living room? That's where they were playing last with Peter."

"Of course, thanks, baby. Also are you sure we have everything for our trip in the morning?"

"Yes honey, I'm sure we have everything we need for the next few weeks in Russia. Plus my mom called and said she bought some heavy clothes for the kids and some snowshoes, she said it started snowing there last night so she went and bought them."

"God your mom is the best. She's always prepared and ready for anything."

"Well, when you've been a widow for as long as she has and raised two kids with a rowdy husband you'd be well prepared too."

They laugh and smile at each other until they hear little feet walking toward them. They turn around toward the door and see both twins holding hands and Nat instantly takes out her phone to take a picture.

"What's wrong babies? You two are supposed to be in bed."

"Luca still don't have his teddy. So I help find it fow hiwm"

Both women smile at the toddlers and go over to pick them up.

"Well aren't you such a good big sister firefly? Why don't we all look for cubbies teddy, as a family ok? And then Wanda and I can read you whatever bedtime story you chose."

Luna puts her tiny hand on her chin complementing the deal she's been offered.

"Mmmm, no 3 storwies and song."

"Hahaha, ok firefly you've got a deal. Now let's look for your brother's teddy."

They soon walk out to find Luca's teddy bear and after a few minutes, they find it and head back to the twin's rooms to read them their stories and sing their song. By the time Wanda got to the middle of the lullaby, both toddlers were fast asleep. Soon the women head to their room and begin their night routine and are in bed asleep. It's only at 12 am they awaken by screams and crying. They both shoot up immediately and run to their kid's room to protect them but when they are there they realize that it's Luna who's crying and hugging her tiger tightly and Luca is trying to calm her down. Normally it's Luca who has a nightmare and ends up in their bed, Luna rarely has nightmares and they're worried about what was so bad that their brave girl was dreaming about. Nat makes her way to bed and crouches down in front of her.

"Hey firefly, it's ok baby I promise I'm here. Tell me what happened."


Luna wraps her arms around Nat's neck and holds onto her like it's life or death. Natasha is surprised by her outburst of calling her mama but hugs her little girl back holding her close and trying to calm her down. Luca walks over to Wanda and raises his hands up for Wanda to pick him but what he says next almost makes her cry.

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