Will you marry me?

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Yea guys thanks for the love on my books I upload new chapters soon and thanks for so much love I love you guys and merry Christmas 🎄🎁

The weeks following up to Christmas have been, well for the widow family, as chaotic as always. Melina and Wanda were in charge of the food and decorations, while Alexie and the girls were in charge of getting the tree. This has been their family tradition for as long as Nat can remember since she was 8 when she first met Alexie and Melina as her parents. She remembers their first Christmas together, Alexie took her out to the woods and told her the story about how he and his dad would go out and get a real tree and cut it down and wanted to pass on the tradition, and since dad has two girls he sees it as an even greater blessing. She remembers when he would tell them stories about the great women in his clan and how they were more than just mothers and daughters but how they were warriors and warrior queens and how the men were greatly inspired and respected their women which would explain why dad loves their mom so much and was so happy to raise them. Honestly, she's glad he introduced them to his family's traditions, and even though she never got to meet her baba and da-father she's glad her kids get to meet and love theirs. Currently, the kids are inside trying to help her mother and Wanda decorate the house while their outside getting the tree.

"Ugh, dad we've been out here for hours let's just cut down a tree and be done with it."

"Patience Lenochka. This is your niece and nephew's first Christmas and Hanukkah and we want to make sure it will be their most memorable one so we need the perfect tree."

Yelena rolls her eyes but smiles. Natasha was ahead of them but heard her sister's whining and laughed. She's always been such a daddy's girl. She wonders what Luna would be, they already know Luca is a definite mommy's boy. Especially with how Wanda always calls him her precious baby boy. She smiles as she thinks about Wanda opening her gift to watch her get down on her knees and ask her to be her wife. They've talked about getting married but haven't decided what their theme is but they can talk about it later. Nat comes out of her head when she spots the perfect tree. Its green is vibrant and pine needles are luscious and beautiful. The trunk looks strong and when they're done with it, it'll make good firewood.

"I found it! Dad, bring the tools!"

Alexie and Yelena pull the sled along with the tools they need and Alexie uncovers, them shaking some of the snow onto Yelena. Yelena glares at her father and dusts herself. they grab their tools and start cutting down the tree. Once the trunk is cut enough, Alexie pushes it down with his strength and goes to tie it down on the sled. On their way back to the farm, Alexie stops when he spots a buck grazing on a few fallen pieces of tree bark.

"Shh, Girls. Look ahead."

Natasha and Yelena both look over their father's shoulder and see the animal that has his attention.  Nat remembers the first time their dad took her on her first hunt threw the cold tundra. She remembers learning how to make traps and hunt for their food while fighting off predators and other wildlife but it was worth it to bond with her father. They haven't gone on a hunt in a while maybe this is a perfect time.

"Dad, hand me your knife, Nell you go around the back and stay hidden until I give the word."

Alexie hands his oldest his knife as he watches his girls corner the deer in pride. He's never been more proud. Natasha uses the snow to hide and makes her footsteps silent. She sees Yelena behind the deer waiting for her signal in the bushes. She gets closer and stops when the deer looks up and around. They need to get him fast before he runs away. So without wasting time nat jumps from the bushes and grabs the buck by its antlers and wrestles it to the ground and yells at Yelena.


Yelena pounces on the deer and ties its legs together while Natasha stabs the deer in the chest twice and waits for it to stop moving. Once the buck stops moving, Nat stabs its chest again and cuts the buck's belly packs it in with snow to stop the bleeding. Yelena watches her sister carefully, she didn't get to go on a hunt with she was old enough, but she decided to travel the world when she got old enough now she regrets it. They both hear footsteps coming towards them and see their father smiling in pride.

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