Our family

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After their trip to St. Petersburg, the small family headed back to New York. The twins love their new grandparents and the same goes for them. Melina and Alexei were both so excited to meet their grandchildren that they even took them to the toy store and bought them even more toys that Wanda literally had to say no more toys. Natasha just sat there and shook her head as it happened but was still happy the twins loved their first trip. Now their back home, teaching them how to write their names in both English and Russian since the majority of the time they spoke Russian when they can't figure out the word in English. They've even started training the kids but not like how they were trained at hydra but in a more fun and loving way. Luna's powers have evolved from creating fire with her hands to now being able to create explosions. Even Luca's powers have grown, he's even started waking up early just so he can join Wanda in her morning meditation while sitting on her lap and copying what she's doing. They've even started teaching him how to levitate, with both parents there of course. Clint came back for a few days to introduce his new apprentice, Kate bishop. Everyone was surprised when he introduced her as his apprentice and was even more surprised when he announced he and Laura were adopting her as their daughter. Nat was the first to ask of course being clint's best friend it only seemed fair.

"Wait wait wait. What do you mean you're adopting her Clint?"

"Well her father is dead and we just arrested her mother for being the reason that I'll explain later but the kid is still a kid and she grew on me. Plus she's an amazing archer and I think with my help she can take up the mantle someday, as you plan to do with Yelena. Have you talked to her about that yet by the way?"

"No, I want her to enjoy her life a little bit more before I drag her into this circus. Plus there's no rush I'm perfectly healthy, I've got two beautiful kids and an amazing girlfriend too who I plan on proposing in a few weeks."

Clint looks at Natasha in surprise and suddenly hugs her. He's been waiting for Nat to work up the balls to finally propose to Wanda since they got together. They both laugh until Nat starts choking on her coffee. Clint pats her back and helps her out while still laughing. Being an only child, Clint never really got a chance to experience having siblings but ever since he met Nat he finally has the sister we never knew he needed. A few minutes later their still sitting on the couch laughing and talking when Kate comes into the kitchen to get water. Clint calls her over to check on her.

"Kate, come over here real quick kiddo."

Kate turns around while a surprised face but listens to her adoptive father figure and comes over to where they are on the couch.

"Yea, Clint what's up?"

"Nothing kid just wanted to make sure you're doing ok? You and Peter getting along well?"

"Yea we were actually looking at each other's equipment and figuring out ways to make them cooler. But don't worry we're completely safe scouts honor."

Clint lifts up his eyebrow looking at her skeptically but doesn't say anything. Since he's met her he knows the kid has a tendency to get into trouble where she shouldn't be. Nat watch's them interact until she hears her phone go off and sees Wanda calling her. She's been away on a mission with the guys and was coming back. Both of the twins had a hard time adjusting to Wanda not being around since she was more of the role of the stay-at-home mom. They barely would go to bed without hearing her sing their lullaby to them at night. Thankfully Nat knew the words and sang it to them and it worked but only for a while, sooner or later they both ended up in their bed sleeping with her but Nat didn't mind. Nat answers her phone and smiles when she hears her "wife's" voice on the other side.

"Hi baby, how's the mission going? I miss you."

Nat starts walking upstairs while on the phone leaving Clint and Kate some time together.

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