Auntie Lena?

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Hey guys thanks for all the love and support I love you guys so much🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

A few weeks have passed by and the twins are finally getting settled into their new home. Luna, if anything is rowdier than ever since she knows everyone is not a threat she's just having fun running around and being her cute little self. She even convinced Sam to take her flying with supervision from Wanda of course. Nat, Steve, Bucky, and Tony are on a 2-day mission so the toddler is finding it hard to rough house without Nat. Luca has stayed close almost glued to Wanda's side, still being shy but slowly opening up to the others. He's mainly scared of the men in the compound but he seems fine around some of the other women that come and go from there. Pepper stopped by to drop off more presents for her new niece and nephew. Maria stopped by to give the mission file to Nat and the others when she saw the tiny children running around. Carol and her wife Maria even stopped by and saw the twins playing outside with Clint before he went back home. Thor has now got Luna saying anytime she meets someone new 'tiny but mighty' which Sam and Scott find hilarious. Overall the kids are progressing well, though they might need to find Luna some activities to do so she doesn't get bored without playing rough with her brother. It's currently Wednesday and Nat and the others are coming back today. Wanda is in the kitchen making the kids their lunches. Nat got Luca hooked on pb&j sandwiches but he likes it with the crust cut off while Luna likes a ham & cheese sandwich with pickles. The kids are on the couch watching Go Diego Go when the elevator opens. Wanda looks up and sees who it is and is surprised.


"Hello Wanda, I was in the neighborhood and thought to myself 'you know Yelena you haven't seen your big sister in a while so I thought I'd pop by and annoy Talia but it seems she's not here."

The twins just went back to watching tv seeing that they didn't know what was going on anyway. Yelena looked over to the couch and saw the twins.

"Are you babysitting for someone?"

Wanda knew that was gonna come up sooner or later. She and Nat had planned to visit Nat's family in St. Petersburg to tell them the news but since Yelena is here might as well tell her.

"Uh, actually Yelena these are our kids. Me and Nat. We adopted them from a hydra base and their twins. They also have powers. Kids? Come here babies I want you two to meet someone."

Both twins get off the couch and head over to Wanda. Well, Luna jumps off the couch and tumbles to the floor. Wanda laughs and places their lunch on the table and tells Yelena to follow. Wanda helps them into their seats and puts their sippy cups on the table. They've gotten better with their manners, especially with please and thank you.

(twins) "Tank you Wana!"

"You're welcome, my babies."

Wanda kisses their heads and walks over to the kitchen to make some tea. Yelena sits down at the table in awe of the tiny children in front of her. Luna sees her and stands up in the chair and shouts.


Yelena is taken aback by Luna's outburst but then starts laughing at her new feisty niece. She looks over at the boy and sees he's a bit shy of her.

"Luna, what have we told you about standing on the chair sweetie?"

"O sowy Wana not safe."

Wanda smiles as Luna sits back down in her chair and finishes making her tea. Yelena is just in awe that she's finally an aunt. Her parents are going to flip when they hear this.

"Can you two introduce yourselves?"

Luna gets down off the chair and stands in front of Yelena.

"Hi i Luna dats Luca my broder he shy and dat wana and dis ouwr home. Wats yowr name?"

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