You're What?!

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Hey, guys thanks for being so patient with me, it's been I just got over a sinus cold and have been dealing with a lot of family stuff. Thank you for being so loyal and love you guys and hope you enjoy this chapter!🥰

Pollen in New York has been a real nuisance this year. Normally Nat's allergy isn't so bad but this year she's taking the brunt of it. Wanda isn't much better, growing up in a country with a lot of smoke and snow, pollen wasn't a big thing for her until she moved in with the Avengers. The whole tower is suffering actually. Everyone is either sneezing their face off or blowing their nose till it bleeds. The only one who hasn't been affected by it is Luna. Somehow Luna is immune to the yellow dust of death and carries on with her life like normal. She tried to help one day by setting fire to the forest around them thinking it would get rid of the pollen. Everyone freaked out trying to put out the fire, thankfully the fire didn't burn so much of the forest, just a good patch of it. Natasha and Wanda asked Luna why she set the forest on fire thinking she was doing something she wasn't supposed to but the five-year-old only gave the most honest answer and said.

"I wanwted to helwp and make evewybody stop smeezing."

Everyone only sighed and shook their head while laughing. Kids are truly innocent especially super-powered kids. Speaking of the kid's powers, they've been improving on controlling them a little better. Luca has gotten better at his levitation and empathetic abilities. Natasha has been training Luna on condensing her fire shots and even started teaching her a few hand-to-hand moves she learned at her age but not as intense as she had to go through in the red room. She made a promise to herself when she first started training her kids, that she would never push them to their breaking point. Luna enjoys training with her mama because she wants to be just like her when she's older. In fact, Luna wants to be just like her mama, Auntie Lena, and her Baba. She watched them train together when they were here and ever since that day she's been copying everything her mama does even more than usual but Natasha doesn't mind she loves it when her little firefly copies her and she wouldn't have it any other way. Peters's training has been going great as well. He's even been getting better at tracking and other Viking training Nat teaches him. While her parents were here, they decided to give him a tattoo of their family emblem. Wanda was a bit furious but moved on knowing that this was her normal now she just had to get used to it. Nat even gave him a haircut and even gave herself one too deciding it was time to change up her everyday look. She didn't shave too much just around the back and side while keeping her hair in a bun with two braids wrapped around the bottom of the bun. Luna and Luca wanted their hair cut too so now Nat has officially become the family barber. Wanda loves Nat's new hairstyle she can barely keep her hands to herself. They've been sneaking around any chance they get even when the twins aren't awake or are occupied with something or someone else. They feel like teenagers again but recently Wanda learned a spell that simulates them both. The spell works like how straight couples make children but it benefits both of them. And of course, they agreed that Wanda would carry their new baby since Nat can't. They've been pretty busy because soon the twins will start kindergarten and they are a little worried. The twins are around mainly adults with no children their age to play with and make friends with. Both mothers realized this after their birthday last month and felt bad that their babies didn't have any friends so they both decided to enroll the twins in kindergarten. They also bought a new family van, a 2022 Black Chevrolet Tahoe, the perfect size for a family of five. That isn't the only new thing. They finally found a house for their family. It has 6 bedrooms, a huge backyard for the kids to play in, a garage for the cars, great front yard space, and a huge kitchen with an island. That's what sold it for Wanda but what really sold it for Nat is that it's not too far from the city but far enough from the compound and is surrounded by trees making it the perfect home to raise their kids. It also reminds her of home as a kid, well teenager honestly. Growing up in St. Petersburg on their farm did a lot to help her sharpen her skills and being raised by a boi-engineer and a Viking made it even better. She wants to give her kids that same experience and even more. So now their currently packing their things but leaving some stuff at the tower just in case. They told Tony about where their new house is wanting him to put in a top-tier security system. They already told the rest of the team, and they were sad but they knew that the family would need more space and a superhero base wasn't the best place to raise kids. So after Tony finished with the security system, everyone helped out with putting the boxes and beds in the van. The twins even helped to the best of their ability. Luna tried to carry a box of clothes by herself but could barely lift it thankfully Uncle Stevey helped out and helped her carry it to the moving van. Nick came by and he and Nat talked about her working a desk job so she wouldn't have to be gone on missions for so long but Nat asked to be assigned to missions in the States like drug rings and stuff. That worked for Nick and Wanda was happy too. She loves her wife-to-be to pieces but raising 3 kids by herself gets a little tiring. Nat understood this too, especially when they plan on adding a new baby to the family she'll need more help. Now they're all on their way to their new house. Sam and Bucky are driving the moving truck with all of the furniture while the others are following them to their new house. The kids are very excited to look at their new house, especially their room. When they reach their section of the forest, Nat pulls up to the security gate she had installed for obvious reasons and types in the passcode. The gate opens and both mothers hear the twins go 'Wow!' and laugh at their toddler's enthusiasm. They park on their new lawn and get out to unbuckle the twins and head toward the house. Everyone gets out of their cars and walks up to the front door where the family of five is. Nat looks over at Wanda takes out the key to the door and unlocks it. She takes a deep breath and leans over and leans down to kiss her wife to be who gladly accepts the kiss. They turn around and look at all their friends all of them with smiles on their faces happy for the family. Nat turns the doorknob and she turns to Wanda who has tears in her eyes. This is their new home. Everyone walks in and looks around in awe at the sheer size of the house. They hear the moving van beeping which means Sam and Bucky must be here with the furniture.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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