6: Fireflies

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Kat was walking in the upstairs corridor when she bumped into Shane and began to fall only for him to catch her around the waist.
"Are you alright there?" Shane asked bringing her close to his body. Kat nodded and her cheeks began to burn realising the compromising position they were in. She was pulled right up against his bare chest as he only wore a towel, his arm around her waist and her hands were pressed up against the muscles of his torso. Trying to move her arms made Shane let out a small groan and bury his head in her neck.
"Don't do that," he whispered huskily in her ear, making Kat shiver.
"Why not Shane?" She asked continuing her actions. "Does it bother you?"  Shane groaned again as she brushed his abs.
Shane moved to pin her against a wall; one hand holding her hip, the other pinning an arm  up beside her head. He started to trail light kisses down the side of her neck while his hand that rested against her hip stroked the skin of her stomach.
"Yes it does" Shane replied to the girl's question. "And we're not exactly being the most discreet at the moment," he breathed against the girls neck earning small moans of pleasure. Pushing himself away from Kat he looked at her flustered state and smirked.
"I'm gonna get a snack. Want one?" Kat nodded to his question and he went downstairs.

In the kitchen Shane went into the fridge only to hear multiple giggles coming from behind him.
"Guys be quiet," Lulu hissed. "I told you he had boobs."
"Lulu? Can I see you in the family room?" Shane asked hiding behind the fridge door.
"Who are those people?" Shane asked when the two had reached a little more privacy.
"My troop. It's Monday. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are troop nights."
"Alright. Get rid of em."
"I can't. Everyone's parents go out on troop night and they won't be back till 8. Mom's our den mother," Lulu whined.
"You better tell your little friends that they have to-" Shane poked his head around the corner only to hear more giggles so he picked up a toy to cover his upper half.
"Today we're supposed to sell cookies," Lulu shrugged innocently.
"I don't do cookies."
"We have to. If we don't sell enough cookies we don't go to the Jamboree."
Shane stared at the girl blankly before peering round the corner again only to receive more giggles and a few waved. "They're waving at me," Shane whispered to Lulu.
"Go get dressed. And send Kat down, her and Mom usually do shopping today," Lulu said before going back to the group of girls.
Shane was walking through the kitchen when Kat holding Tyler came downstairs.
"I was just about to warn you, when Tyler began making a fuss," she said referring to the giggling girls and a Tyler in her arms. Shane just stared at her apologetic face and sighed forgiving the young adult.
"Go get dressed," Kat said placing Tyler in his high chair, greeting the girls with waves. Shane kissed her temple and rushed upstairs.
"I told you they are a thing," hissed Lulu.
Kat's cheeks began heating up as the group laughed at her.

"Alright ladies! Here's how it's gonna be. Tonight I'm your den mother. That means if you want to live to see tomorrow, you do exactly as I say. Do we understand each other?"  Shane stared at the now silent girls.
"Den mother you frighten me," one of them speak.
"Good," Shane replied. "Now, let's move out."
As the girls loaded the car Shane and Kat strapped Peter and Tyler in.
"Don't be so harsh with them," Kat spoke leaning her chin on Shane's shoulder, making sure he was doing the car seat correctly. "I know it's not what you're used to, but these girls aren't as tough as Lulu. Try to be a little nicer?" Kat kissed his shoulder as Shane stood up.
"I'll try," Shane sighed kissing the girls cheek.

The two adults were at Costco doing the shopping, Peter was sat in the trolley seat, Tyler was in the baby carrier on Shane's front and Kat was pushing the trolley. Everything written on the list had been placed in the trolley and the small group was at the checkouts.
"Aren't you a cute couple. But aren't you a little young to have kids?" the cashier cooed at the group.
"Sorry," a blushing Kat said. "But we're not their parents and we're not a couple."
The cashier scoffed at what the young woman said. "Young lady, my husband looks at me with the same amount of admiration as this young gentleman when he looks at you," the lady said smirking at Kat and Shane. "Are you practicing for when you go have kids then?" the woman cackled. Kat just kept quiet, trying to calm her racing heart and cool her cheeks. The cashier looked at the way Shane gazed at Kat and smirked, thinking that if they weren't a couple yet, then they would be soon.

Once everything had been payed for the group went outside only to find that the Fireflies had abandoned their cookie stand and that there was a group of boys wrecking it instead. The adults looked at each other in confusion and worry, even more so when a familiar beeping came from Shane's waist. The group of four rushed to where the girls are checking over them for any damage.
"Lulu what happened?" Shane asked quickly.
"Those boys over there broke out cookies," she whimpered pointing to where their stand was wrecked.
"Broke your cookies?" Shane queried. "Lulu this is not a toy," he said grabbing her wrist. "Forget those boys. I'm here to protect you. Not cookies. Understand?" Lulu nodded. "Good, now get in the car. We're all going home," Shane unlocked the car and opened the boot.
"We have to take them for dinner," Kat said loading the shopping in the car. "That's why we didn't buy anything cold or frozen."
"Where do they usually go?" Shane asked turning to Kat.

"Welcome to Woody Woodchucks!" A teen smiled at the large group as they entered the building. Shane looked around and immediately hated the place, kids were being loud and not listening to their parents, there was no order whatsoever. The girls immediately ran off to play.
"And they say war is hell," Shane said in Kat's ear, she giggled and took Peter from Shane setting him down so that he could go play too.
"We'll order the food and then they'll come back. The lot of them have like a sixth sense or something they're always in time for when it arrives," Kat said looking up at Shane, who just nodded and followed Kat through the large crowd closely.

In the car on the way back all the girls were singing a troop song and Kat had fallen asleep when Shane realised it was too quiet in the back where Peter sits. He turned his head, only to find that the car seat was empty, immediately the car turned around and went back in the opposite direction. Kat woke up at the motion and turned to Shane questioningly.
"We left Peter," he gritted his teeth in frustration. Kat yawned, making Shane think about how cute she was, and that she would be even cuter if she woke up beside him. Shaking his head, Shane concentrated on the road again, constantly stealing looks at Kat.

"Oh I sort of figure you'd come back for him," the same teenager that originally greeted them said. Shane passed Tyler's car seat to Kat and went to grab Peter from the ball pit. "Inexcusable. I've never left a man behind," picking the toddler up the group saw that he had no bottoms on.
"Woah! Woah! Not cool. There is no free styling in the ball pool," the teen snapped. The girls all giggled at Peter. Kat sighed and took Peter from Shane, making her brother put on another pull up and some trousers. Shane dived in and started searching.
"Should we send someone in after him?" Lulu asked her friends, only for Shane to appear holding up a diaper. The girls all ran towards the entrance screaming.
"We're good!" He shouted, holding the diaper up.

The group then had to drop off each Firefly at home until it was just the Plummers and Shane in the car. Peter and Tyler were asleep in the back and Lulu was awake staring at the way the two adults in the front looked at one another.
"Are you two dating?" Lulu asked, breaking the silence.
"No," said Shane gripping the steering wheel tighter, he did not want another Lulu questioning. The last one he had was enough of an experience.
"Do you want to date?"
"It's complicated," Shane said. "After your Mom comes back I have to leave."
"But then Kat will be sad. She hasn't smiled this much in forever. What if you two got married?"
"Lulu. We're not even dating, so we're not going to get married."
"Why don't you date Kat? Is it because she's never had a boyfriend before?"
Shane looked over to an uncomfortable Kat in shock, he would have thought that she's had a couple of boyfriends in her life. She's gorgeous.
"Or is it because she's never kissed someone? Or. Is it because she's never had-"
"That's enough Lulu!" Kat said stopping the girl from saying anything else that could embarrass her. "Talk about something else," Kat said turning away from Shane's look of shock and staring out the window.

Never would Shane have thought that Kat was as innocent as she was. The girl was gorgeous and if he could he would make her face him and he would claim her lips over and over again. Unfortunately he was driving and couldn't do that, but he thought of ways that he could romance her and be a good boyfriend after he asked if she wanted to go out.

Lieutenant Shane Wolfe x ocWhere stories live. Discover now