chapter 4

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The next day, Nathalie got ready for work and she was typing about 20 emails and luckily for her, she only had one phone call to make, which was to a fabric supplier in Tokyo about when the fabrics would arrive.
Nathalie got dressed into the same sports clothes she was wearing yesterday after she had washed them.
Once Nathalie had finished getting dressed, her and Adrien said “good bye” to Gabriel and they left the mansion.
Adrien and Nathalie started running, while they were running a construction worker had accidentally left a brick on the pavement without realising and because Nathalie was running a little bit ahead of Adrien, she didn’t realise there was a brick on the floor.
While Nathalie was running, she tripped over the brick and she landed on her back.
“Nathalie” Adrien quickly ran to her and he could see that she was unconscious, Adrien pressed his ear against Nathalie’s chest and he realised that she wasn’t breathing.
Adrien quickly got his phone out of his pocket and he called for an ambulance, while the paramedics were on there way, Adrien did CPR on Nathalie, hoping she would wake up, but she didn’t.
Once the paramedics had arrived, they lifted Nathalie onto a stretcher, they put her inside the ambulance and they drove towards the hospital, leaving Adrien on his own.
Adrien called his father and once his father had answered his phone, Adrien told him about Nathalie tripping over a brick, not breathing and that she was being taken to hospital.
Gabriel was in so much shock when he heard that his best friend was not breathing and that she was being taken to hospital.
Gabriel quickly got into his car, he picked Adrien up from the street and once Adrien was in the car, Gabriel started driving towards the hospital.
Once they were at the hospital, they told the receptionist that they were here to see Nathalie Sancoeur, the receptionist said that a nurse will be here shortly to show them Nathalie’s room.
A nurse arrived and she escorted Gabriel and Adrien to Nathalie’s room.
They were standing in front of Nathalie’s room and the nurse told them that they might be a bit surprised, before she opened the door.
Gabriel and Adrien walked up to Nathalie’s bed and they saw that she was wearing a hospital gown, an iv strip was in her arm, there was an oxygen mask on her face and she was attached to a heart monitor.
The nurse checked on Nathalie’s heart monitor and she changed the iv strip in her arm and once the nurse had finished, she left the room, giving Gabriel and Adrien some privacy.
Gabriel an Adrien were sitting next to Nathalie’s head on either sides and they started talking, even if Nathalie couldn’t hear them, it was better then nothing, they started talking about how much they missed her and how much they wish that she didn’t trip over the brick.
Gabriel and Adrien kept talking to Nathalie and when the nurse entered the room, she told them that visiting hours were over, so Gabriel and Adrien returned back to the mansion.

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