chapter 5

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The next day, Gabriel and Adrien went to the hospital to visit Nathalie and while they were talking, they could hear Nathalie stirring and they both quickly got out of their seat and they looked at her.
Nathalie started moving her head towards the side and Gabriel quickly pressed the red button on the side 9f Nathalie’s bed because he thought there was something wrong with her.
2 Nurses quickly rushed into Nathalie’s hospital room and Gabriel explained the situation to them, the 2 nurses took Nathalie, so they could do a check up on her.
30 minutes later, the nurses brought Nathalie back to her hospital room and she told Gabriel and Adrien that she’s alive and stable, which made Gabriel and Adrien feel astonished to hear that she was alive, and the nurses gave Gabriel, Adrien and Nathalie some alone time together.
Gabriel and Adrien gave Nathalie a light hug because they didn’t want to hurt her, “how long have I been unconscious” Nathalie asked, a day, Gabriel replied.
“How are you feeling Nathalie” Adrien asked, I’m alright, it’s just my right ankle that hurts, Nathalie replied.
After a while a nurse came and she said “miss Sancoeur” please call me Nathalie, she interrupted the nurse “Nathalie, when we first brought you to the hospital, we did an x-ray and we found out that your right ankle is severely fractured, so you will be having surgery tomorrow and the doctor will be here shortly to do a check up on you" the nurse finished speaking, thanks for letting me know, replied Nathalie and the nurse left the room.
Gabriel and Adrien both layed a hand on her shoulders “how are you feeling about the surgery” Gabriel asked, a little scared, but I can’t wait for my right ankle to stop hurting, Nathalie responded.
A few minutes later the doctor arrived and he placed his stethoscope on Nathalie’s chest and he listened to her heart beat, he then asked “Nathalie, is it ok if I pull your hospital gown up" yeah, Nathalie replied.
When the doctor pulled the back of Nathalie’s hospital gown up, Gabriel and Adrien averted their gaze, to give her some respect, the doctor put his stethoscope on Nathalie’s back and he asked her to breathe in and out and while Nathalie was breathing, the doctor listened, to hear if there was anything wrong with her breathing.
The doctor pulled the back of her gown down and he lifted the front of Nathalie’s gown up and he unclasped her bra, Gabriel and Adrien still averted their gaze, the doctor looked to see if there was anything wrong with her breasts and once the doctor was done, he clasped Nathalie’s bra.
The doctor pressed the palm of his hand against Nathalie’s ribs and stomach and he said “Nathalie, does this hurt" no, Nathalie replied and the doctor pulled the front of her hospital gown down and Nathalie said “Gabriel, Adrien, you can stop looking away know" when Gabriel and Adrien heard those words, they turned their gazes back onto Nathalie.
The doctor took a needle out of his bag and he told Nathalie to stay still, the doctor injected the needle into Nathalie’s arm, making Nathalie close her eyes and once the doctor took the needle out of Nathalie’s arm, Nathalie opened her eyes and the doctor placed a cotton ball on her arm for 10 seconds, then he removed the cotton ball and he put a plaster on her arm.
Once the doctor left, the nurse came and she gave Nathalie something to eat, the nurse then told Nathalie that she’s not allowed to eat anything after 7 o’clock because of her operation, the nurse gave Nathalie ibuprofen because of the pain in her ankle and Gabriel and Adrien gave Nathalie a hug, before they left, leaving Nathalie to rest in peace.

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